Peter Elder has been working for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for over 20 years in various regulatory roles covering the entire nuclear fuel cycle. He started as a technical specialist in 1996 as a fuel performance and safety analyst, and moved on to become a project manager in power reactor licensing. He has also occupied a variety of management roles throughout his career at the CNSC. He has experience in all areas of the organization’s mandate: safety, security, safeguards and environmental protection. He has also served as a nuclear counsellor at the Permanent Mission to the International Organizations in Vienna. In this role, he advised the Canadian government on International Atomic Energy Agency activities in nuclear safety and security, emergency management and technical cooperation.
Before joining the CNSC, he worked for AECL as a section head and research scientist in the area of high-temperature fuel behaviour and fission product release. He co-authored a number of scientific papers during this period on fuel behavior under accident conditions, and was involved in several international collaborations in this area.
He completed a Master's in Materials Engineering from Queen’s University following his undergraduate degree in Engineering Science (Physics Option) from the University of Toronto.
He was appointed as the Chief Science Officer and Vice-President of the CNSC’s Technical Support Branch in April 2017
Andy Owen
Vice President, Emergency Services and TrainingOntario Power Generation
Andy Owen is the Vice President of Emergency Services and Training for Ontario Power Generation
(OPG). He is responsible for Fire Protection and Training for OPG’s nuclear fleet consisting of 2 stations
and 10 nuclear units. He is also responsible for Emergency Management and Security for all of OPG’s
facilities across Ontario.
Andy has worked in the Nuclear Power industry for over 30 years, all with Ontario Power
Generation/Ontario Hydro at both the Darlington and Pickering Nuclear Generating Stations. He brings
expertise in areas such as operational focus, training, emergency preparedness, and leadership.
He started his career in Operations at Pickering Nuclear, where he became a certified Shift Manager.
He has held various operationally focused positions, such as Assistant Operations Manager and Senior
Fuel Handling Manager. Prior to his current position, Andy spent three years as the Director of
Operations Training for Pickering and Darlington Nuclear.
Andy is a graduate of the University of Toronto with an H.B.Sc in Physics and an M.Sc. in Physics and
Andy is married and has 2 children. He enjoys playing guitar and games of all types.
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Jennifer Edey
Senior Vice President, Operational Services & Business DevelopmentBruce Power
Jennifer Edey is the Senior Vice President of Operational Services and Business Development at Bruce Power. She oversees the operation of key services that directly support the safe operation of Bruce Power’s nuclear fleet. These services include Information Technology and Digital Transformation, the operations and maintenance of all facilities and infrastructure, the document management system for Bruce Power, Radiological Waste Management and Health Physics. She also leads Emergency and Protective Services which consists of Nuclear Security, Fire Response and Prevention, and Emergency Management.
She has most recently added Business Development to her portfolio where she oversees isotope development, new nuclear initiatives and innovative technology and project opportunities to support our Net Zero Strategy.
Jennifer started her career with Suncor in Calgary where she was at the leading edge of renewable energy development in Canada. She developed wind farms across Canada and eventually co-ran a successful wind development company in Ontario.
She studied Chemical Engineering at the University of Waterloo and completed her Executive MBA through Queens University while working for Suncor in Calgary.
Dr. James A. Milke, P.E., is Professor and Chair of the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at the University of Maryland. He received his PhD in Aerospace Engineering, MS degree in Mechanical Engineering and BS degree in Fire Protection Engineering from the University of Maryland. In addition, he has a BS degree in Physics from Ursinus College. Dr. Milke has served as the Fire Protection Engineer for Fairfax County, Virginia and as a Research Fire Prevention Engineer at NIST. Dr. Milke is a Fellow and past president of SFPE.
He is a past member of the NFPA Standards Council and is a past chair of the NFPA committee on Smoke Management Systems. He has received awards for teaching, communications and service from the University of Maryland, NFPA, SFPE and Automatic Fire Alarm Association..
Derek Mullin, P. Eng, is Superintendent of Safety Analysis in the Reactor Safety Department at Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick. He was worked for more than 30 years in the nuclear industry in the areas of reliability, safety system engineering, probabilistic safety assessment, regulatory affairs, deterministic safety analysis, and uses that experience in support of emergency preparedness including severe accident management. He led the development of the first full-scope Level 1 and Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for the Point Lepreau Nuclear Generating Station, has been heavily involved in strategies for improving nuclear safety and emergency response both at the regional and national level; and, led the reassessment of tsunamis and earthquakes affecting southern New Brunswick using state-of-the-art methods and current knowledge base.
Mr. Mullin is the current chair of the New Brunswick branch of the Canadian Nuclear Society.
Dr. Abderrazzaq (Zaq) Bounagui
Acting Director Engineering Design Assessment DivisionCanadian Nuclear Safety Commission
Currently, Dr. Bounagui is the acting director of the Engineering Design Assessment Division at CNSC. He has been a technical specialist at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission for over 16 years. He assessed compliance at nuclear facilities, conducting technical reviews for various topics including fire hazard analysis, fire shutdown analysis, code compliance review analysis, fire modelling and design review for fire protection systems, performing inspections, etc. He contributed to the development of various regulatory documents and IAEA guides. He has led various task forces to support the development of CSA N293 and CSA N393 standards. He has been the technical authority for several OECD-NEA fire joint international research projects.
Prior to joining the CNSC, he had worked with the National Research Council of Canada as a research officer. My research activities included fire risk analysis for various infrastructures, analysis of fire statistics, investigation of experimental fire tests, and verification and validation of fire modelling tools.
He has authored and co-authored more than 30 publications in the area of fire safety engineering. He hold a Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering—Energy Conversion and a master’s degree in Computer Science.
Diploma degree in experimental physics from “Rheinische Fredrich Wilhelms University” of Bonn (Germany)
PhD (Dr. rer. nat.) in Physical Chemistry, from “Rheinische Fredrich Wilhelms University” of Bonn (Germany)
Senior Chief Expert and Head for Hazards (with a specific focus on fire) and PSA at Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH)– the Federal German nuclear Technical Safety Organization (TSO) – for more than 34 years
Chair of the OECD/NEA FIRE (Fire Incidents Records Exchange) Database Project Management Board
Program Review Group (PRG) Chair of the former OECD/NEA PRISME 1 - 3 experimental projects
German Member of the OECD/NEA HEAF and HEAF 2 experimental projects
Chair of the German nuclear expert group for nuclear standards on fire safety KTA 2101
Member of various IAEA expert groups, mainly on internal hazards and PSA
Member of the German PSA Expert Panel for more than 17 years
OECD/NEA/CSNI Working Group on Risk Assessment (WGRISK), Chair from 2013 to 2020, actually Vice Chair (2020 to 2026)
German Member and Senior Expert for the WENRA and ENSREG second Topical Peer Review (TPR 2) on “Fire Protection” (ongoing activity until end-2024)
Dr Diego Fernandez Lisbona
Principal Inspector and ONR’s acting Professional Lead for Internal Hazards and Site SafetyOffice of Nuclear Regulation, UK
Dr Diego Fernandez Lisbona is a Principal Inspector and ONR’s acting Professional Lead for Internal Hazards and Site Safety. A Chemical Engineer by training and with a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering by the University of Nottingham (2009), Diego joined ONR in 2016 following roles as a Major Hazards specialist at the Fire and Process Safety Unit of the UK’s Health and Safety Laboratory/ Health and Safety Executive (2008-2012) and as a Principal Consultant in both the UK nuclear new build and non-nuclear, major hazards sectors (2012-2016). Once in ONR, Diego worked as an internal hazards specialist in the New Reactors and the Sellafield Decommissioning Fuel and Waste (SDFW) divisions, assessing fire and internal hazards safety cases. Diego was also ONR’s Delivery Management Group Lead (DMG) for Advanced Nuclear Technologies (ANTs) and, from 2017 to 2021, he led the capability development work that enabled ONR to deliver its commitments, laid out in the 2018 Nuclear Sector Deal, to provide advice to the UK Government on innovative reactor designs. This involved the development and implementation of ONR’s knowledge management approach for ANTs, the ANTs international engagement plan and the regulatory process for early assessment of 7 advanced fission reactor proposals taking part in the Advanced Modular Reactors (AMR) Feasibility and Development (F&D) project. In 2020, Diego returned to ONR’s Technical Division as Deputy Professional Lead for Internal Hazards. He is currently the ONR project lead coordinating the UK’s contribution to the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) Topical Peer Review 2, which will cover Fire Protection from 2022 through to 2024.
Lovell is an experienced Nuclear Safety Manager with a demonstrated history of working in the utilities and currently manages the Deterministic Safety Analysis section at Bruce Power. He is highly skilled in Nuclear Safety Analysis, Severe Accident Management, Environmental Qualification and Safe Operating Envelope Limits & Conditions.
Lovell has a Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.) Mechanical and Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) focused in Physics.
Lovell is a World Nuclear Association - World Nuclear University Summer institute Fellow.
Lovell currently chairs the COG Beyond Design Basis Accident (BDBA) Management Task Team.
Lovell currently chairs the CSA N1600 General Requirements for Nuclear Emergency Management Programs Technical Committee and is a past Vice Chair for CSA N290B Technical Committee on Reactor Safety and Risk Management. He has also been on several CSA standards technical subcommittees.
Lovell is also an expert consultant for the IAEA in the area of Accident Management and Equipment Environmental Qualification and has contributed to the preparation of Safety Reports, Specific Safety Guides and Technical Documents in these areas.
Lovell was the proud recipient of Chretien Global Nuclear Leadership award in 2017 for his extensive work in reactor safety on the international scene.
Mr. Roach is a Principal with PLC Fire Safety Engineering, presently serving in the role of Director, Atlantic Canada. He has a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of New Brunswick, and a Master of Engineering in Fire Protection Engineering from the University of Maryland.
He is a registered Professional Engineer in the provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador, Alberta, and Ontario.
Mr. Roach is a Principal Member of the NFPA Technical Committee on Explosion Prevention Systems and serves as an Alternate for the CSA N293 committee.
For 19 years, Mr. Roach has worked in the field of fire protection engineering consulting, with over 16 years in the nuclear industry. Mr. Roach has led and completed fire safety assessments for numerous licensed nuclear facilities across Canada.
Roger Shepard
ManagerNew Brunswick Nuclear Preparedness Program New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization
Roger Shepard currently serves as the Manager of the New Brunswick Nuclear Preparedness Program
with the New Brunswick Emergency Measures Organization (NBEMO), New Brunswick Department of
Justice and Public Safety.
Roger previously served 35 plus years with the Canadian Forces from 1978 to 2014. Roger was employed
as the Joint Task Force Atlantic Provincial Liaison Officer to NBEMO from October 2008 – June 2012.
Roger has been the Manager of the New Brunswick Nuclear Preparedness Program with NBEMO since
June of 2012.
Jeff Steven
Division Manager, Emergency & Protective Services
Jeff Steven is the Division Manager of Emergency & Protective Services at Bruce Power. In Jeff’s role he
oversees the programmatic, operational, training and response capabilities for Bruce Power’s robust
Fire, Security and Emergency Preparedness functional areas. Jeff’s team of Nuclear Professionals
ensures a holistic, all hazards approach for prevention, planning and emergency response to ensure the
safety of the workers, environment and community surrounding the Bruce Site. The path to excellence is
through people and so Jeff is a passionate advocate for diverse, equitable and inclusive practices. As
such, Jeff is the executive Sponsor for Bruce Power’s Diversity Equity & Inclusion Committee as well as
the Chair of the Sub-Committee on Corporate and Social Responsibility.
Jeff’s has twenty years of experience in emergency prevention, planning and response, with the majority
of that in the Nuclear Security field and as a member of Bruce Power’s Emergency Response
organization. Jeff’s education includes a diploma in Police Foundations from Fanshawe College, a
facilitators diploma from the Ontario Police College and the Certified Nuclear Security Professional
designation through the World Institute for Nuclear Security.
In Jeff’s role he is keenly focused on the sustainable integration of the Emergency Preparedness and Fire
Protection mandate with the evolving cyber security landscape as it pertains to Emergency and
Protective Services; all with an ultimate objective of maintaining Nuclear Safety & Security.
Steve Shute
Manager of Emergency Protective Services
Steven Shute has three years of experience in Nuclear Fire Protection but has a considerable
amount of knowledge and experience from a damage control perspective stemming from 20 years
of service with the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN). He is currently employed at Bruce Power as the
Department Manager of Emergency Protective Services (EPS) – Emergency Services and is
responsible primarily for Emergency Response within Bruce A, Bruce B and all of the Centre of Site
(COS) facilities. Previous to his current role, Steven has spent time with Bruce Power Regulatory
Affairs Department as a Senior Strategist, with a focus on Emergency Management and as the
Corporate Functional Area Manager (CFAM) for Conventional Safety. Internally to Bruce Power,
Previous to a recent internal organizational change, Steven has been responsible for raising the
profile of the Fire Protection Program (FPP) and ensuring awareness of the #1 risk of Fire is fully
understood across all levels of the organization. He has previously been a member of the Technical
Committee for the most recent revision to Canadian Nuclear Standards (CSA): N1600 General
Requirements for Nuclear Emergency Management Programs; and currently, Technical Committee
member for CSA N293 Fire Protection for Nuclear Power Plants as well as the Task Force Chair for
the E2 sub-committee. Steven has also acted as the session Chair for the 3rd International CNS
Conference on Fire Safety and Emergency Preparedness for the nuclear industry (FSEP 2019) and
was an invited speaker/presenter on Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response for the 2019
Federal Nuclear Science and Technology (FNST) Conference in Ottawa.
Gary McIntosh is currently seconded to the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) in Paris Centre from EDF Energy in the United Kingdom. At WANO PC Gary is an Area Lead within the Operations, Fire Protection and Emergency Preparedness group. Gary is also the WANO Paris Centre lead Subject Matter Expert for Fire Protection / Fire Safety.
Gary began his career in Nuclear Power Generation 16 years ago in November 2007 at Torness Power Station in Scotland. After 11.5 years he moved to Dungeness B Power Station in England. Gary was a Fire Safety Coordinator at both stations, responsible for managing the Fire Safety Management Arrangements, providing oversight and support on all fire related topics and driving improvement in fire safety culture. During this time Gary was a senior member of the EDF UK Fleet Fire Committee.
Gary has completed the Level 4 Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Diploma in Fire Prevention – Technical Cycle – delivered by the Fire Protection Association (distinction level achieved in 2018)
Gary has completed the Level 6 Confederation of Fire Protection Associations Diploma in Fire Prevention - Management Cycle – delivered by the Fire Protection Association (distinction level achieved in 2022)
Gary has been affiliated to the Institution of Fire Engineers since 2015.
Dr. Sylvain Suard is the Head, from 2016, of the Fire Experimental Laboratory at the Institut de Radioprotection et de sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN). He was the IRSN Project Leader of the PRISME 3 OECD experimental program. He is now the Vice Chair of the Program Review Group (PRG) for the OECD HEAF experimental project and the program manager of the NEA FAIR Project. Prior to this, he conducted research in the field of fire modelling, sensitivity analysis and verification and validation of numerical models. He received a Master degree in fluid mechanics and energetics flows from Paris VI University and a PhD in Combustion, Energetic and Thermal Sciences from University of Provence.
Eng., Distinguished Research Scientist
1988 Engaged in CRIEPI (from 94-96 temporarily engaged in IPSN, FRANCE)
1996 Dr. Degree from Kyoto University in the field of Civil Engineering
After joining CRIEPI, he has been working for the general research area of spent fuel management, especially on the structural response of components under extreme accident conditions for the past 25 years.
After 2011, he had been heavily involved in the safety research activities to support the business licensing for the setup of NPPs in Japan, especially in the field of tornado missile and internal fire protection.
From 2017, he joined the NRRC (Nuclear Risk Research Center) and is now directing the research activities for internal hazard risk assessment of nuclear power plants to accelerate the implementation of RIDM (Risk-Informed Decision Making) Process in Japanese nuclear industry.
Richard Tennant is the Director of the Emergency Management Programs Division at the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission and has over 27 years experience at the CNSC. Richard has served as Licensee Emergency Programs Officer in the Emergency Management Programs Division for over 10 years allowing him to accumulate, first hand, valuable regulatory experience in the evaluation of emergency programs and fire response programs. He was also instrumental in developing the CBRNE First Responder training programs, providing training to the first response community. Richard participated in the writing of Regulatory Document 2.10.1 and also participated in the working groups of both CSA Standard N293, Fire protection for nuclear power plants and N393, Fire protection for Facilities that process, handle, or store nuclear substances.
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The conference is about sharing the latest work and information in the important areas of fire safety and emergency preparedness and emergency management and response mechanisms that support enhanced interoperability.