Graduate School Entrance Scholarships

This scholarship is designed to encourage undergraduate students to enter a graduate program related to Nuclear Science and Engineering at a Canadian university.

The value of the scholarship is $3,500.

The recipient(s) of the scholarship will be selected on the basis of their academic standing and other information to be supplied with the application as listed below.

Student Eligibility

To be eligible for the scholarship, you must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program at a Canadian University and be a member of the CNS (membership in the CNS is free for students in Canadian universities).

Procedure for Application

Your application package (pdf preferred) should include:

You should send your application to:

You will recieve a confirmation of reciept, and your prospective supervisor will recieve a request for a letter of reference.

The Scholarship Committee of the Canadian Nuclear Society will collect and review the submissions and make the award decisions.



If you recieve the scholarship, you are expected to deliver a report (1500 – 2000 words plus images) on the research performed prior to obtaining your graduate degree. You are also encouraged to present your research at one of the CNS conferences.