Travel and Training Grants

These grants are awarded on a case-by-case basis to eligible students to allow them to participate in events related to nuclear science and technology. Events covered by this scholarship include conferences, workshops, and courses, although other activities may be considered.

The value of the grant is up to $1000.

The recipient(s) of the grant will be selected on the basis of their academic standing and other information to be supplied with the application as listed below.

Please note that the grant cannot be combined with other CNS subsidies beyond
a reduced registration fee for students at a CNS conference.

Student Eligibility

To be eligible, you must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program for at least two years, or a graduate program that has a program length of at least two years. The program of study must be at a Canadian university, and you must be a member of the CNS for at least four months (membership in the CNS is free for students in Canadian universities).

Procedure for Application

Your application package (pdf preferred) should include:

You should send your application to:

You will receive a confirmation of receipt and your prospective supervisor will receive a request for a letter of reference.

The Scholarship Committee of the Canadian Nuclear Society will collect and review the submissions and make the decisions regarding the award and the amount.


Applications are accepted at any time. Decisions will be made by the committee on an ongoing basis.


If you recieve the grant you are expected to deliver a brief report on the event within two months following the event.

Questions regarding the above scholarships should be addressed to: