The present Chair of the GHS Branch is a Master’s student working under the supervision of Dr. David Novog at McMaster University. She is currently engaged in the modelling of natural circulation phenomena specific to CANDU reactor design with the view of continuing and extending that work later on to the PhD level.
Among other things, Kendall has a strong aptitude and abiding interest in the establishment of good organization, and related practices.
The current GHS branch treasurer and past president of the CNS (2010-11 and 2013-14). He is a professor and undergraduate associate chair at McMaster University. Dr. Buijs is studying the physics of nuclear reactor cores with a number of graduate students. Here is the link to his university website.
Events Officer: Mario Ponce Tovar
Responsible for planning seminars, tours, and guest speakers, Mario is a student of engineering physics in the nuclear stream at McMaster University. He has a passion for energy systems and their pivotal role in economic development. He hopes that working in the nuclear industry will contribute to this, and that the CNS will help steer him in that direction. Mario also enjoys cooking and exploring enthusiast communities on the Internet.
Communications Officer: Mitchell Lemieux
Mitchell is a 3rd year undergraduate student in the Engineering Physics program at McMaster University in charge of making promotional material and outreach for the CNS GHS branch. He is interested in carbon-free forms of energy. He views nuclear power as an excellent way to reduce our generations ecological footprint. Mitchell is working with the CNS to promote public interest in nuclear technology; and to encourage the honest, unbiased sharing of information regarding all forms of energy.
Student Liaison Officer: Michael Jobity