Dear Nuclear-101 Registrant:
We have changed the room for Nuclear-101 to Room ETB-533 in the new Engineering Technology Building (ETB). Attached herewith are directions to McMaster University, and a map of the McMaster campus.
The map is crowded, but if you magnify the map you will find building ETB as #56 at the bottom of the map, near Main St. W. For parking, use parking lot I to the left of bldg.. 49; you can access it by entering the campus at entrance E (to the right of ETB), and going up and then left to lot I.
Remember that we will have some light continental breakfast starting at about 8 am.
See you May 13.
This third offering of the two-day Nuclear-101 course is specifically designed for those working in the nuclear industry who do not have the benefit of a technical background. The course will provide you with a good understanding of nuclear fundamentals and will not only help you understand how our industry works, but also provide you with the tools to explain to others in simple, factual terms how the technology works, some of the interesting twists and turns of its exciting history, and the important contribution nuclear technology makes to our society.
The course will be taught by three of Canada’s leading nuclear educators, Doug Boreham, Jason Donev and Jeremy Whitlock. It will consist of three modules, and will include demonstrations, Q&A, and a discussion of each module’s relevance to public outreach:
Anyone who regularly speaks to the public (or is interested in speaking to the public) and would like to be able to explain nuclear technology in simple, factual terms.
Click here for the course outline
This outreach course is being offered by the Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS). The cost of the 2-day course is $495 (HST included), and will cover all materials. The deadline for registration is April 22. There are limited places, so early registration is recommended. For accommodations, the hotel closest to McMaster is the Visitor’s Inn, http://www.visitorsinn.com/.
(Note: There may be another offering of this course at a later date in 2013, perhaps in a different venue.)