

2008 David Thompson Brigade

Join us for dinner and a presentation from the past CNS President, Eric Williams. The dinner will largely be a social affair with a brief update on a CNS strategy session held earlier this year. Eric has also offered to recount his trip across Canada by canoe in 2008 with some slides and a video. It will be a fun evening!

For more information please contact John Krane, CNS Branch Chair.

If you have a suggestion for a presentation, or would be willing to give a presentation, contact John Krane.

Our Members

Brent Williams (CNS, Bruce Power) and Susan Brisette (Bruce Power) answer questions about the possibility of a Bruce Branch of the International Youth Nuclear Congress.

Thanks Jerzy Czarnick for the photo!

Eric Williams gave a series of presentations about the CNS during March 2006 Bruce Power Engineering Continuing Training. You can read his presentation here (PowerPoint format).

Photo © by John Peevers Bruce Power Olivier Carriere (right) displays the award he received for his paper published in the CNS Bulletin.
Olivier was a development student at Bruce Power working on ways to improve the Delayed Neutron Detection system at Bruce B. Olivier is show with CNS member John Roberts (left).

John Roberts gave a paper at the Nov. 2003 CANDU maintenance conference. You can read his paper here (Adobe Acrobat format).

Branch Information

Chair: John Krane

Branch Executive: Eric Williams, Kevin Larsen, John Roberts

Vacant Positions

Branch Treasurer – not a lot of work, but one of those essential jobs that needs to be done.

Social Covenor – Occasional help needed to organize the social hour during Chapter events. The job entails purchasing refreshments, setting up the room, cleaning up and collecting compliments on a job well done.

Contact John if you’re able to help.