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Recurring Events
Annual CNS President’s Dinner Meeting
Each year, the CNS Chalk River Branch is pleased to host that year’s current CNS President at a dinner talk. Below is some brief information on recent talks.
2016 – On February 24th, the Chalk River Branch was pleased to host a dinner talk by CNS President Paul Thompson on Lessons Learned from the Point Lepreau Refurbishment Project. Despite the stormy weather, the local CNS and public demonstrated their commitment to hearing an interesting speaker and turned out style!
2015 – On March 11th, CNS President Jaques Plourde treated the Chalk River Banch CNS mambers and public to a dinner talk offering his unique perspective on 40 years of CANDU.
2014 – On February 25th, the Chalk River branch hosted its annual CNS president dinner meeting with Adriaan Buijs.
In his presentation, Dr. Buijs discussed the evolving relationship between Chalk River Laboratories and academic interests from his perspective as a professor and researcher in the Nuclear Engineering department at McMaster University.
2013 – In 2013, the Chalk River branch hosted it’s annual CNS President’s Dinner Meeting with John Roberts. Dr. Roberts delighted with a discussion on the importance of Chemistry in a Nuclear plant’s life.
Renfrew County Regional Science Fair (RCRSF)
The Chalk River Branch of the CNS is proud to contribute financially and participate in the RCRSF, which takes place in April. The science fair is an excellent venue to engage with students on the value of nuclear science. Three projects meeting the criteria for the CNS-CRB Award for Science and Innovation are honoured every year. Recent winners are:
2016 –
Renfrew County High School Scholarship
The Chalk River Branch of the CNS has offered scholarships to Grade 12 students in Renfrew County, who will be entering post-secondary education in the fall of the same year. This scholarship required an original essay on one of a specified selection of topics demonstrating critical thinking and interpretation by the student. A committee of CNS-CRB members judged the essays for originality, content, clarity, logical reasoning, and critical thinking. Due to lack of interest, this event no longer takes place.
Algonquin College Radiation Safety Program Award
The Canadian Nuclear Society Chalk River Branch is proud to support the Algonquin College Radiation Safety Program here in the Ottawa Valley by offering two $500 prizes to top students enrolled in the program. Below are some recent winners
2016 – Joeseph Vu and Kaylia Doering
2015 – Murray Hyatt and Mitch Finlayson
2014 – Shari-Lyn Flett, Lindsay Crough, and Nathan Sutherland (not in photo)
Deep River Science Academy
Special Events
Celebrating 50 Years of Nuclear Power in Canada (June 20, 2012)
On June 4, 1962, electricity from the Nuclear Power Demonstration reactor in Rolphton, Ontario flows into the local grid, demonstrating for the first time in this country, the technology that has safely and reliably powered homes and businesses for five decades.
• Fred Boyd
• John Hilborn
• JP Letourneau
• NPD Pictures presentation
American Nuclear Society Winter Meeting
On Tuesday, November 1, 2011, several CNS members atttended the American Nuclear Society (ANS) Winter Meeting at the Omni Shoreham Hotel, in Washington, D.C.. The ANS held an Awards Luncheon to recognize the achievements of various individuals, including Theodore (Ted) Rockwell, who received the W.B. Lewis Award. Ted Rockwell has had a distinguished career, including extensive work on the U.S. nuclear submarine program during the 1950’s, under the direction of Admiral Hyman Rickover.
Ted Rockwell and CNS members |
A nuclear safety assessment of the Fukushima Daiichi events, Aug 25
Organized by the Chalk River Branch of the Canadian Nuclear Society and Professional Engineers Ontario, Algonquin Chapter.
A nuclear safety assessment of the Fukushima Dai?ichi events presented by Dr. John C. Luxat based upon best available information from multiple sources and independent analysis of accident progression. The presentation covers the accident progression in the four units, reactor core heat up, core damage estimation and hydrogen generation, features of the explosions and damage to the units, fission product release and dispersion, and radiological consequences.
Dr. John C. Luxat is Professor in the Department of Engineering Physics and holds the NSERC/UNENE Industrial Research Chair in Nuclear Safety Analysis at McMaster University. He currently has a very active research program at McMaster, studying many aspects of the safety of current and future reactors and nuclear fuel cycles.
ZED-2 50th Anniversary Celebration
On November 29 2010, the Chalk River branch held a dinner in honour of the 50th anniversary of the ZED-2 research reactor. Retired physicist Rick Jones gave a talk “A History of ZED-2”.
CNS CR branch Program chair Geoff Edwards introduces speaker (and former boss) Rick Jones. | |
CNS CR branch Program chair Geoff Edwards presents speaker Rick Jones with a token of appreciation (some liquid moderator, perhaps?). In front of them is a scale model of ZED-2 (done with a 3-D printer). | |
ZED-2 staff, past and present.
Front (left to right): Bruce Wilkin, David Irish, Julian Atfield, Greg Cully, Michael Zeller Back (left to right): Jerry McPhee, Rick Jones, John Hilborn, Ken Serdula, Paul Ferrigan, Chas Millar, Frank Mazzone |
Contact Us:
If you would like to give a seminar, have a guest speaker suggestion, or have any comments, please feel free to contact us at: