The CNS Chalk River Branch held a Virtual Lecture Series on WEBEX in celebration of Nuclear Science Week (October 19-23, 2020) and it was a great success.
Nuclear Science Week is a national broadly-observed week long celebration to focus local, regional and national interest on all aspects of nuclear science.
The virtual lecture series reviewed the accomplishments of the ZEEP and ZED-2 zero energy test reactors that paved the way for the Canadian nuclear industry and to this day support safe operation of the CANDU fleet while providing support for the advanced reactor fleet of tomorrow.
The lectures were in celebration of the 75th (ZEEP) and 60th (ZED-2) anniversaries of first criticality.
October 20, 2020 at 7pm: The 75th Anniversary of ZEEP – Morgan Brown (CNL)
Click here for the presentation (PDF 32.6MB). Click here for the event recording (MP4 107.7MB)
October 21, 2020 at 7pm: ZED-2: 60+ Years of Success – Luke Yaraskavitch (CNL)
Click here for the presentation(PDF 10.5MB). Click here for the event recording (MP4 97.4MB)
Name | Date | Affiliation | Topic |
Alys Gardner | Oct 31 | Abbot Risk Consulting | The United Kingdom’s Nuclear Industry Landscape – A UK Nuclear Institute Perspective |
Morgan Brown | Oct. 17 | CNL | Annual General Meeting followed by Splitting Atoms, Canadian Style |
Patrick Causey | Sept 26 | CNL | Researching Targeted Alpha Therapy at the Canadian Nuclear Laboratories |
Bill Diamond | May 31 | Applications of Electron Accelerators to Nuclear R&D | |
Kathryn McCarthy | April 26 | VP – R&D, CNL | CNL’s S&T plans and specific initiatives. (Photo) |
Peter Ozemoyah | Feb 22 | President – CNS | Operations and Future Directions of the CNS |
Name | Date | Affiliation | Topic |
John Hilborn | Dec 7 | Fully-Integrated Mo-99 Production from NRU and CANDU | |
Samy El-Jaby | Nov 16 | CNL | Understanding the Space Radiation Environment |
Chris Hatton | Nov. 2 | NWMO | Engineering Developments at Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO) |
Meggan Vickerd | Sept. 27 | CNL | Joint CNS / Women in Nuclear Talk In-Situ Decommissioning the Nuclear Power Demonstration (NPD) Reactor |
Nihan Onder | Jul. 27 | CNL | Accident Tolerant Fuels for Nuclear Reactors |
Paul Thompson | Feb. 24 | President – CNS | CNS Annual President’s Dinner Meeting – “Lessons Learned from the Point Lepreau Generating Station Refurbishment” (photo1, photo2) |
Name | Date | Affiliation | Topic |
AGM | Nov. 4 | Branch Updates and 2016 Executive Elections | |
Dan McArthur | Nov. 4 | Bruce Power | Public Alerting – Applying Lessons Learned from Fukushima (photo) |
Art McDonald | Oct. 16 | Queen’s University | Reflections of a Nobel Laureate (photo) |
Mark Lesinski | Oct. 7 | CNL | A Vision for the Future of CNL (photo) |
Jerry Cuttler | Sept 29 | Cuttler and Associates | Remedy for Radiation Fear (photo1, photo2) |
Martin Smith | March 26 | Bubble Technology Industries | Measurements of Neutron Radiation on the International Space Station |
Jacques Plourde | March 11 | President – CNS | CNS Annual President’s Dinner Meeting – “40 Years of CANDU” |
Name | Date | Affiliation | Topic |
Joan Miller | April 10 | AECL | Global Threat Reduction Initiative |
Adriaan Buijs | Feb. 25 | President – CNS | CNS Annual President’s Dinner Meeting – “The National Lab and I” |
Name | Date | Affiliation | Topic |
Igor Pioro | Nov. 21 | University of Ontatio Institute of Technology (UOIT) | Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity Production in the World |
Dr. John Root | Oct 15 | Canadian Neutron Beam Centre | How NRU Delivers Value to Canada through Materials R&D with Neutron Beams |
Jeremy Whitlock | Jul. 11 | Manager, Non-Proliferation and Safeguards, AECL | Splitting Atoms – Canadian Style |
John Roberts | Mar. 4 | President – CNS | CNS 8th Annual President’s Dinner Meeting – “Overlook Chemistry at Your (Plant’s) Peril” |
Ian D. Clark | Jan. 29 | University of Ottawa | Bury It! Seminar on Nuclear Waste |
Name | Date | Affiliation | Topic |
Bruce Heinmiller? | Dec 05 | AECL | A Critical Assessment of Radiation Folklore |
Shelley Rolland-Poruks | May 23 | Community Affairs Officer of AECL | Engaging and Working With Our Community (Photo) |
Frank Doyle | Feb 21 | Director of the Research and Development Program for CANDU Owners Group (COG) | The Future of Nuclear in Canada and the Role of CNS, COG and the Chalk River Laboratories |
Name | Date | Affiliation | Topic |
Tony Noble | Dec 8 | Director of the SNOLAB Institute | The Neutrino Enigma and Other Dark Matters |
Peter Lang | Dec 5 | Dunedin Energy Systems | The Urgent Need for Small Modular Reactors in Canada’s North |
Pia Dimayuga | Oct 27 | Annual General Meeting & Shad Valley Enrichment Program & 1972 NRU Vessel Change (movie) | |
John Campbell | Sep 14 | Professor, (retired) University of Canterbury | Making the Earnest Rutherford Documentary (Photo) |
John C. Luxat | Aug 25 | Professor, McMaster University | Fukushima Dai-ichi: A Technical Assessment of the Events and Radiological Consequences |
John Katsaras | Jul 28 | Principal Research Officer, NRC Canada Senior Scientist Biological Systems, ORNL USA | From the Discovery of the Neutron to the Spallation Neutron Source |
Bill Diamond | Jul 21 | Retired Senior Researcher, Fluid Sealing Technology Branch, AECL | Critical Thinking in Science |
David Guzonas | Jul 14 | Principal Chemist, Reactor Chemistry and Corrosion Branch, AECL | Supercritical Water. What exactly is it? |
Jeremy Whitlock | Jul 7 | Manager, Non-Proliferation and Safeguards, AECL | Splitting Atoms – Canadian Style |
Ragnar Dworschak | Jun 29 | Director of Technical Services Best Theratronics Limited | Best Theratronics – An AECL Spin-off Success Story |
Donald R. Wiles | May 19 | Professor Emeritus of Chemistry, Carleton University | A Half Century with Radiochemistry |
Rosaura Ham-Su | Apr 12 | Manager of Fuel Development Branch, AECL | An Overview of Fuel Development Work |
Adriaan Buijs | Feb 21 | McMaster University, Professor of Engineering Physics | Alternative Fuel Cycles for CANDU Reactors |
Rick Jones | Nov 29, 2010 | Retired ZED-2 Facility Manager, AECL | A history of ZED-2 |
David Cox | Oct 14, 2010 | DIR-SAFETY ENG & LICENSING | NRU Return to Service Project |
William (Bill) Diamond | Jul 29, 2010 | Retired Senior Researcher, AECL | My Years as a Physicist at Chalk River Laboratories |
Craig Stuart | Jul 22, 2010 | Senior Radiation Chemist, Reactor Chemistry and Corrosion Branch, AECL | The Role of Radiation Chemistry in Maintaining Reactor Integrity |
Jeremy Whitlock | Jul 8, 2010 | Manager of Non-Proliferation and Safeguards, CRL, AECL | Splitting Atoms, Canadian Style |
Eleodor Nichita | Apr 19, 2010 | Faculty of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science, University of Ontario Institute of Technology | Why it matters to you |
Duane Bratt | Feb 25, 2010 | Associate Professor, Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta | Introducing Nuclear Power in Alberta |
Norman Gentner | Feb 2, 2010 | Sixth Secretary of United Nations Scientific Committee | UNSCEAR in a Challenging World |
Gina Strati | Oct 26, 2009 | Manager, Mechanical Equipment Development, AECL | Tooling Development at the Chalk River R&D Laboratoriesin Support of the NRU Vessel Leak Repair Project |
Bill Diamond | July 30, 2009 | Senior Researcher, Fluid Sealing Technology Branch, AECL | Critical Thinking in Science |
Rosauara Ham-Su | July 23, 2009 | Fuel Materials Properties and Behaviour Section, Fuel Development Branch, CRL, AECL | Energy Harvesting Materials to Power Today’s Devices |
Ted Clifford | July 16, 2009 | Principal Scientist, Bubble Technology Industries (BTI) | “The Business of Physics” or “How to Live Long and Prosper” |
Jeremy Whitlock | July 9, 2009 | Manager of Non-Proliferation and Safeguards, CRL, AECL | Splitting Atoms, Canadian Style |
Brent Williams | April 23, 2009 | 2008/09 President, North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NA-YGN) | Bruce B Training Simulators – Models and Technology |
Jim Harvie | March 4, 2009 | 2008/09 President, Canadian Nuclear Society | From CNSC to CNS – a Former Regulator’s Perspective |
Fred Blackstein | February 12, 2009 | AECL (ret’d) | Chalk River – The Middle Years |
Michel J. Pettigrew | January 29, 2009 | École Polytechnique | Flow Induced Vibration in Two Phase Flows, Some Interesting Phenomena |
John Campbell | October 20, 2008 | Professor (ret’d), University of Canterbury, New Zealand | Ernest Rutherford and the Nobel Prize |
Peter Ottensmeyer | September 25, 2008 | Professor Emeritus, Dept of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto | Subduction for Permanent Disposal of Long-Lived Highly Radioactive Nuclear Wastes (8 MB) |
David LeBlanc | August 15, 2008 | Carleton University | Molten Salt Reactors (0.9 MB) |
Dr. Davis Earle | July 31, 2008 | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory – Observing the Sun from 2 km Underground |
Hugh Boniface | July 24, 2008 | CRL, AECL | Wolsong Tritium Removal Facility |
Jeremy Whitlock | July 10, 2008 | Manager of Non-Proliferation and Safeguards, CRL, AECL | Splitting Atoms, Canadian Style |
Brent Lewis | June 26, 2008 | Professor, Royal Military College | “Cosmic Radiation and the Frequent Flyer” or “The Dangers of Getting High” |
Stephen Yu | May 21, 2008 | General Manager, New Build CANDU, AECL | ACR-1000 – the Advanced CANDU Reactor for Canada (5.5 MB) |
John Kinney | May 12, 2008 | Dept. of Safeguards, Toronto Regional Office, IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA): International Non-Proliferation and Safeguards (3.3 MB) |
Eric Williams | February 25, 2008 | President, Canadian Nuclear Society | Bruce Refurbishment and Future of the Canadian Nuclear Industry |
Wayne Thompson | January 24, 2008 | History and Status of Search and Rescue in Canada (11 MB) | |
Syed Zaidi | December 13, 2007 | NRU – Facility Quality Representative, AECL | Point Lepreau Refurbishment Impact on New Brunswick |
Don MacKinnon | October 25, 2007 | President, Power Workers’ Union | A Better Energy Plan for Ontario (3 MB) |
Hideo Harada | September 6, 2007 | Hitachi Canada | Hitachi’s Experience in Nuclear Power Plant and the Latest Status on Distributed Control System Joint Development for ACR New Build Projects |
Dr. Davis Earle | August 2, 2007 | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory – Observing the Sun from 2 km Underground |
David LeBlanc | July 26, 2007 | Carleton University | Molten Salt Reactors (0.7 MB) |
Phyllis Heeney | July 12, 2007 | Senior Project Engineer, AECL | 1) Stored Liquid Waste Tank Inspections 2) Fuel Packaging and Storage Project |
Dr. Roy Krouse | June 20, 2007 | Emeritus Professor, University of Calgary | Sleuthing with Stable Isotopes |
Dr. Alex DeVolpi | June 12, 2007 | Argonne National Laboratory (retired) | Politicized Nuclear Issues: Proliferation, Energy Security, and Environmental Protection |
Dr. Colin J. Allan | May 24, 2007 | AECL (retired) | International Project for Innovative Reactors and Fuel Cycles (INPRO) |
CNS CR Branch Symposium | May 12, 2007 | Canadian Nuclear Society (Chalk River Branch) / Professional Engineers of Ontario (Algonquin Chapter) | Discussing the Viability of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Renfrew County |
Barclay Howden | April 26, 2007 | Director General, Nuclear Cycle and Facilities Regulation, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission | Nuclear Safety: The Regulator’s Approach to an Expanding Nuclear Industry in Canada |
Captain Peter Lang | April 5, 2007 | Pilot, Air Canada | SAFE FLIGHT: A Pilot’s Approach to Safety and Risk Management in the Conduct of an Overseas Airline Flight |
Dr. Dan Meneley | March 7, 2007 | President, Canadian Nuclear Society AECL Chief Engineer (ret’d) | A Stroll Down the Risk Acceptance Curve |
Dr. Jintong Li | January 25, 2007 | Chemical Engineer, Chalk River Laboratories AECL | China’s Nuclear Power Program |
Jan Veizer Photo with CNS CR branch executive (L to R): U. Senaratne, B, Bromley, J. Veizer, R. Dworschak | December 1, 2006 | Professor of Geology, University of Ottawa | Climate, Water and Carbon Cycles: Terrestrial Records Across a Hierarchy of Time Scales Talk Announcement Presentation (7.7 MB pdf) |
David Mosey | November 23, 2006 | Author of Reactor Accidents and the Cruickshank Chronicles | Institutional Failure and Nuclear Safety |
Dr. Gary Dyck Photo of CNS Exec + Gary (RHS) and family) | October 26, 2006 | Reactor Physicist, Chalk River Laboratories AECL | The Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP) What is it, and what role might Canada play in it? |
Dr. Davis Earle | August 3, 2006 | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory – Observing the Sun from 2 km Underground |
Dr. Bill Kupferschmidt | July 27, 2006 | General Manager Decommissioning, Chalk River Laboratories AECL | AECL’s Decommissioning & Waste Management Program: Challenges, Opportunities and Recent Developments |
Dr. Paul Unrau | July 13, 2006 | COSRAY Technology Centre, Deep River | Using Evolution in the Lab – No Longer a “Theory” |
Mr. Gregory Smith | April 4, 2006 | Senior Vice President, Darlington Nuclear Ontario Power Generation | The Darlington Story: The Focus Areas on our Journey to Excellence 828 kB pdf 1938 kB PowerPoint |
Dr. Bob Andrews | March 22, 2006 | Manager, Research and Development Bubble Technology Industries (BTI) | An Overview of Threat Detection R&D at BTI |
Dr. John Luxat Photo | February 20, 2006 | President, CNS | Energy Challenges and Nuclear Opportunity (pdf 248 kB) |
Dr. Igor Pioro | January 26, 2006 | Senior Scientist (Thermalhydraulics), AECL | Russian Nuclear Power Program (past, present, and future) (pdf 8320 kB) |
Thierry Joulin and Penny Neal | November 24, 2005 | AECL | The World Nuclear University Summer Institute Sharing Experience (pdf 965 kB) |
Deny See Hoye | October 24, 2005 | Program Manager, NRU Licensability Extension Program, AECL | In Praise of an Older Lady – Keeping NRU Young and Alive |
Hilary McCormack, LLB | July 28, 2005 | Crown Attorney for Ottawa-Carleton | Science and Law – Not so Strange Bedfellows. A Look at DNA Evidence and Crime Solving |
Dr. Davis Earle | July 21, 2005 | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory – Observing the Sun from 2 km Underground |
Dr. Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ McGregor | July 14, 2005 | Former Fellow, Centre for Public Leadership, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard | “Science, Ethics & Governance” Who Risks? Who Benefits? Who Decides? (pdf 3.4 MB) |
Jeremy Whitlock | July 5, 2005 | Reactor Physicist, AECL and Past President, Canadian Nuclear Society | Splitting Atoms, Canadian Style |
Bob Pollock | April 7, 2005 | Vice-President for Environment, Health and Safety, Cogema | Saskatchewan’s Uranium Mining Industry |
Bill Schneider | March 8, 2005 | Babcock and Wilcox Canadian Nuclear Society President | Plant Design Concept Features Over the Years and the Grief as Well as the Excellence that Flowed There-from |
Dick Bourgeois-Doyle | December 7, 2004 | National Research Council of Canada | George J. Klein: The Most Productive Inventor in Canada in the 20th Century |
Dr. Richard Cassidy | July 22, 2004 | University of Saskatchewan | Missing Links in Scientific Knowledge: Historical, Philosophical, and Sociological Aspects of Science |
Dr. Davis Earle | July 15, 2004 | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory – Observing the Sun from 2 km Underground |
Dr. Elizabeth ‘Betsy’ McGregor | July 8, 2004 | Fellow, Centre for Public Leadership, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard Deputy Director, IGH, Canadian Institutes of Health Research | “Science, Ethics & Governance” Who Risks? Who Benefits? Who Decides? (pdf 3.4 MB) |
Mark Porringa | May 20, 2004 | ZEROPOINT TECHTONIX Inc. | Low Energy Induced Nuclear Fusion Through Coherence Of The Quantum Vacuum Zero-Point Energy: Experimental Evidence And Conceptual Theory (256 kB pdf) |
Eric Davey | April 1, 2004 | Crew Systems Solutions | At the Controls of a CANDU Reactor – Responsibilities, Organization and Challenges |
Bruce Lange | January 29, 2004 | Director, Decommissioning Planning and Operations, AECL | Decommissioning Activities at the CRL Site – Insights into AECL’s Past |
Dan Meneley | November 27 , 2003 | Project Director, CANTEACH | CANTEACH – Preserving CANDU Technical Knowledge |
Romney Duffey | October 9, 2003 | Principal Scientist, AECL | Know the Risk: Learning from Errors and Accidents: Safety and Risk in Today’s Technology |
Dr. Davis Earle | July 31, 2003 | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory – Observing the Sun from 2 km Underground |
Elizabeth Dowdeswell | July 24, 2003 | President, Nuclear Waste Management Organization | |
Frank Finlay | July 17, 2003 | Know Nukes | |
John Major | July 10, 2003 | Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Services | Climate Change and Forest Ecology |
George Bereznai | February 20, 2003 | University of Ontario Institute of Technology | Canada’s Newest Nuclear Engineering Program |
Fred Boyd | January 30, 2003 | AECB (ret’d) | The Birth of the Nuclear Industry |
Keith Bradley | December 16, 2002 | Director, Asia-Pacific Market, AECL | The CANDU Market in China |
William Cook | November 7, 2002 | University of New Brunswick | UNB’s Flow-Assisted Corrosion Research Program |
Dr. Davis Earle | August 1, 2002 | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory – Observing the Sun from 2 km Underground |
Dr. Engin Özberk | July 25, 2002 | Technology Development, Cameco Corporation | Uranium Processing — A Resource for Clean Energy: Past Present and Future |
Tamara Yankovich | July 18, 2002 | Environmental Technologies, AECL | Environmental Perspectives: The Importance of Compartmentalization in Ecological Risk Assessment |
Romney Duffey | July 11, 2002 | Principal Scientist, AECL | Next Generation CANDU |
Lorne McConnell | May 31, 2002 | Ontario Hydro (ret’d) | NPD: Canadia’s First Nuclear Power Station |
Andrew Hibbert | May 2, 2002 | Arrow Recovery Canada Inc. | The search for missing Arrow models |
John Katsaras, Bhaskar Sur, Ron Rogge | March 19, 2002 | NRC Neutron Program for Materials Research, and AECL | Neutron Holography |
David Torgerson | January 31, 2002 | AECL | R&D at AECL: The Next 10 Years |
Albert Lee | December 13, 2001 | MMIR Project, AECL | Technical History of MAPLE Reactors |
Philippe Duport | November 8, 2001 | International Centre for Low-Dose Radiation Research | Cancer Risk of Low-Dose Radiation Exposure |
Dr. Art MacDonald | August 2, 2001 | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory Project |
Dr. Sara Carlisle | July 26, 2001 | Radiation Biology & Health Physics, AECL | Radiation Biology |
Dr. Ron Rogge | July 19, 2001 | National Research Council of Canada | Neutron Scattering |
Romney Duffey | July 12, 2001 | Principal Scientist, AECL | Next Generation CANDU |
Jerry Hopwood | May 3, 2001 | AECL | Next Generation CANDU |
Murray Stewart | March 29, 2001 | Iter Canada | Bringing the Iter Fusion Project Canada |
Alistair Miller | January 25, 2001 | AECL | Heavy Water: Manufacturers’ Guide for the Hydrogen Century |
David Cox | November 9, 2000 | AECL | The Aftermath of the MOX Shipments |
Bill Clarke | September 26, 2000 | Canadian Nuclear Association | The Future of the Canadian Nuclear Industry: Opportunities and Challenges |
Tim Patterson | June 8, 2000 | Carleton University | The Science and Pseudoscience of Climate Change: A Geological Perspective |
Terry Rogers | May 18, 2000 | AECL R&D Advisory Panel | Vision 2020: The Views of AECL’s R&D Advisory Panel |
Samim Anghaie | April 27, 2000 | University of Florida | Nuclear Reactors for Space Propulsion |
David Shier | March 9, 2000 | Ontario Power Workers Union | The Future of Electricity Generation in Ontario |
Ken Chaplin | January 27, 2000 | AECL | Fuel Channel Inspection at Cernavoda-1 |
Basma Shalaby | November 25, 1999 | AECL | AECL’s Chief Engineer’s Office |
David Cox | October 21, 1999 | AECL | The PARALLEX MOX Program |
Grant Unsworth | May 27, 1999 | CTECH | Canada’s Private-Sector Nuclear Industry |
Ray Silver | April 22, 1999 | Journalist (McGraw-Hill)/Author | The “Billion-Dollar Nuke Waste Boondoggle (and other thoughts)” |
Richard Osborne | March 11, 1999 | AECL (ret’d) | Tritium research (“Much Effort; Little Energy”) |
R. Allen Kilpatrick | February 1, 1999 | AECL (President & CEO) | Challenges and Opportunities for AECL |
Frank Saunders | December 3, 1998 | McMaster Nuclear Reactor | The Rise and Fall and Rise of the McMaster Nuclear Reactor |
Peter Boczar | October 29, 1998 | AECL | CANDU Fuel Cycle Vision |
Paul Thompson | September 14, 1998 | Point Lepreau NGS | Demonstration Irradiation of CANFLEX Fuel at Point Lepreau |
Paul Lafrenière | June 18, 1998 | AECL | Performance at Gentilly-2 NPP. |
Gordon Brooks | May 26, 1998 | AECL | Why CANDU is the way it is. |
David Lee | April 30, 1998 | AECL | An “Underground Plan” to Capture Radioactivity (also given in Pembroke at Algonquin College on 98-05-07) |
Phil Davis | March 26, 1998 | AECL | Establishing the Credibility of Model Predictions: The Human Factor |
Bill Buyers | February 26, 1998 | National Research Council of Canada | NRC’s Neutron Scattering Program |
Romney Duffey | January 29, 1998 | AECL | AECL’s “Principal Scientist” |
Don Taylor | December 2, 1997 | AECL | ZEEP Decommissioning |
Dave Thompson, Harry Collins, Gerald Dolling, John Hilborn, Don Hurst, John Inglis, Ross MacEwan, Phil Ross-Ross | November 6, 1997 | AECL (Ret’d) | NRU’s 40th Anniversary |
Glen MacGillivray | October 23, 1997 | Nray Services | Neutron Radiography |
Robert Nixon | September 25, 1997 | Chairman of the Board, AECL | AECL: Perspective from the Board |
Murat Saatcioglu | May 29, 1997 | University of Ottawa | Lessons from Earthquakes (co-sponsored by PEO) |
Beth MacGillivray | May 15, 1997 | Ottawa General Hospital | Nuclear Medicine (at Algonquin College) |
Harry Ing | April 20, 1997 | Bubble Technology Industries (BTI) | History of BTI |
Norman Gentner | March 20, 1997 | AECL | Low-Level Radiation |
Al Wight | February 20, 1997 | AECL | Licensing CANDU-9 |
Iain Trevena | January 16, 1997 | MDS Nordion | The Radioisotope Business |
John McManus | November 21, 1996 | AECB | The New Regulatory Act |
Rich Corman | December 13, 1995 | AECL Public Affairs | “Telling the Nuclear Story Online” |
T.E. Rummery | September 5, 1995 | AECL | Scientific and Engineering Research: Who Needs It? |
1. R.E. Green 2. Paul Scholfield 3. David Torgerson | August 4, 1995 | 1. AECL (retired) 2. GE Canada 3. AECL | 1. ZEEP, The Little Reactor that Could 2. NPD to Darlington at GE Canada 3. Future Developments in Nuclear Technology |
Joanne Cohen-Sulzenko | July 20, 1995 | AECL | Beyond the Nuclear Family — Building AECL’s Relationships |
Doug Christensen | May 23, 1995 | AECL | CANDU Marketing Prospects |
Bob Rutledge | May 9, 1995 | Biotechnology in Forestry (April 27 at Algonquin College) | |
Morris Rosen | May 9, 1995 | IAEA | The International Nuclear Convention |
Don Anderson | May 1, 1995 | Ontario Hydro | Ontario Hydro Nuclear Program |
Jack Richman | March 29, 1995 | CAN | Radioactive Materials — the Untold Story |
Merle E. Griebenow | March 3, 1995 | Neutron Technology Inc. | Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for Treatment of Cancer |
Jennifer Espey | February 3, 1995 | Gender-Based Differences in Attitude to Nuclear Technology | |
Dan Meneley | January 17, 1995 | AECL | What Can CANDU Do? |
Jerry Cuttler | January 16, 1995 | AECL | Pickering U2 Incident (at CRL) |
Jack Cornett | December 6, 1994 | AECL | The Dating Game — Environmental Isotope Couples |
David Thomas | November 4, 1994 | AECL | The Financial Perspective |
Robert Nixon | September 23, 1994 | AECL | Nuclear Energy and Public Policy |
Allan Culham | June 22, 1994 | External Affairs | Canada’s International Nuclear Relations |
Ron Mitchel | May 25, 1994 | AECL | Radiation: What Determines the Risk? (May 19 at Algonquin College) |
J.J. Cramer | March 30, 1994 | AECL – WL | The Cigar Lake Analogue Study |
Gerry Lynch | March 2, 1994 | AECL | Evolution of the AECL Research Commercial Driving Forces |
Beth MacGillivray | February 9, 1994 | Ottawa General Hospital | Medical Applications of Radioisotopes |
Len Hopkins | January 27, 1994 | MP Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke | Science: An International Language |
Bruce Howe | October 26, 1993 | AECL | Atomic Energy: Fuel of Prosperity |
Francoise Guenette | June 1, 1993 | AECL | Public Affairs: Challenges and Opportunities |
David Torgerson | May 7, 1993 | AECL | Advanced CANDU R&D |
Hilary McCormack | April 8, 1993 | Justice Department | DNA Typing in Criminal Cases (April 7 at Algonquin College) |
William Hannum | March 17, 1993 | Argonne National Laboratory | Integral Fast Reactor (IFR) |
Roxanne Summers | February 10, 1993 | CNA | CNA’s Public Information Program |
Sean Conway | February 3, 1993 | MPP Renfrew North | Current Issues Concerning Ontario Hydro |
Don Lawson | January 14, 1993 | AECL | CANDU: International Project Management |
A.J. Mooradian | December 8, 1992 | AECL (retired) | Physics is Immutable: Business will Adjust |
T.E. Rummery | November 30, 1992 | AECL | AECL Research: Present and Future |
Bran Stewart | November 20, 1992 | Ontario Hydro | Darlington Fuel Damage Investigations |
Stan Hatcher | October 27, 1992 | AECL (retired) | Energy, Ethics and Atoms |
Dave Lemkey | October 5, 1992 | PNFI | Early History of Lumbering in Ottawa Valley |
John Macpherson | September 1992 | AECL | Education Outreach: Partnership, Possibilities and Pitfalls |
Mort Bercovitch | March 1992 | ||
Norm Gentner | February 1992 | AECL | |
Ken Talbot | February 6, 1992 | Ontario Hydro | |
Tony Lees | November 20, 1991 | ||
John Reid | September 21, 1991 | CNA | |
John Root | June 17, 1991 | AECL | Applications of Neutron Diffraction to Industrial Problems |
Bernard Cohen | December 6, 1990 | U. of Pittsburgh | Radiation Risk (co-sponsored with Deep River Science Association) |
Paul Wiancko | November 27, 1990 | Ontario Hydro | Zebra Mussels |
Davis Earle | May 29, 1990 | AECL | Sudbury Neutrino Observatory |
Iain C. Trevena | February 28, 1990 | Nordion International Inc. | Radioactive Isotopes for Nuclear Medicine |
Clive Greenstock | November 1989 | AECL | Food Irradiation (co-sponsored with Deep River Science Association) |
A.J. Stirling | November 28, 1989 | AECL Accelerators | Industrial AECL Accelerators |
J.S. McConnach | March 1, 1989 | Ontario Hydro | Meeting Future Energy Needs: Ontario Hydro’s Demand/Supply Planning Strategy |