February 2016: Pandaora’s Promise movie screening
Upcoming events: Robotics in the Nuclear Industry: A tour of the UOIT Mechatronics and Robotic Systems labIndustry tours of Cameco and General Electric 

Recordings of some of our previous seminars can be found at: http://mediasite.uoit.ca/mediasite/Catalog/pages/catalog.aspx?catalogId=5b56f5b1-3278-4178-8996-722eb7dc21bc



[CNS-UOIT Branch: The Canadian Nuclear Society at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology]

The Canadian Nuclear Society is a not-for-profit organization serving the nuclear industry representing individuals contributing to, or otherwise supporting nuclear science and engineering in Canada.

The CNS-UOIT Branch is the branch representing students, professors, and alumni of UOIT’s Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science (FESNS) located at the University Of Ontario Institute Of Technology in Oshawa, Ontario.

The branch promotes the exchange of information & knowledge, within the nuclear professional and academic community, in the field of applied nuclear science, engineering, and technology.

Activities include:

– Hosting technical seminars, presentations and discussions from industry professionals

– Site visits to nuclear facilities

– Speaker presentations by professors contributing to the education of nuclear sciences

– Participation in conferences in conjunction with sister branches, as well as companies & organizations in the nuclear industry such as OPG, AECL, NA-YGN, CNA, etc.


[CNS-UOIT Branch]

The Canadian Nuclear Society – University of Ontario Institute of technology branch was formed in March of 2005. The members of the UOIT Branch comprise principally of students and professionals from the Nuclear Science and Engineering discipline.

[FESNS: Faculty of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science]


Established in 2002, the programs at UOIT’s Faculty of Energy Systems & Nuclear Science are the first stand-alone programs of their kind in Canada, offering the only honours degree dedicated to nuclear engineering in Canada.  The CNS-UOIT Branch works in collaboration with the students to provide supplemental information on current nuclear activities in industry.

OBJECTIVE (2013-2014)

To organize and facilitate events, activities, and seminars for the exchange of information, fostering the research, development, and beneficial utilization of nuclear science and technology, for peaceful uses.

To act as a not-for-profit corporation in encouraging Education and the exchange of Knowledge in the nuclear industry to enhance professional & technical capabilities of those involved in the nuclear field in the Canadian context.


E-mail: uoit@cns-snc.ca   

Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/cns.uoit/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CNS_UOITBranch



Branch Representatives

Additional Links

UOIT – University of Ontario Institute of Technology

FESNS — Faculty of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science