CNS Council Members

2024 – 2025 Executive

MemberAffiliationExecutive Position
Derek MullinNew Brunswick PowerPresident
Doddy KastanyaKinectrics Inc.Past President
Peter OttensmeyerProfessor Emeritus, University of Toronto1st Vice-President
Khashayar GhandiProfessor, University of Guelph2nd Vice-President
Mohamed YounisAMEC FW RetireeTreasurer
Ruth BuranyKinectrics Inc.Secretary

If you are a member of the executive, click here to access the executive files.


Aman UsmaniKinectrics Inc.
Arthur SitumUniversity of Regina
Andrea ArmstrongNuclear Scientist
Benjamin XuY&Y Consulting Inc
Cheryl Tasker-ShawCTS Consulting
Christopher ReesRisktec Solutions Canada
Colin HuntRetired
Daniel GammageKinectrics Inc.
David HummelCanadian Nuclear Laboratories
Doddy KastanyaKinectrics Inc.
Guy HotteKinectrics Inc.
Guy MarleauÉcole Polytechnique Montreal
Ian WiggintonKinectrics Inc.
George Christidis (Acting President)Canadian Nuclear Association
Kamal VermaLaurentis
Keith StrattonStratton Consulting Inc.
Khashayar GhandiUniversity of Guelph
Michael KrauseAccenture
Mohamed YounisAMEC FW Retiree
Mohammadreza BaghbananOPG
Mohinder GroverM.S. Grover & Associates
Olga PalazhchenkoNew Brunswick Power
Peter OttensmeyerProfessor Emeritus, University of Toronto
Peter EastonRetired
Reeghan OsmondCanadian Nuclear Laboratories
Rob WhittlestonAtomic Energy of Canada Limited
Ruth BuranyKinectrics Inc.
Siddharth RavalNew Brunswick Power

CNS Office

Redstone AgencyOffice Administrator
Neil AlexanderHead of Communications
Quantum EventsWeb Administrator

Technical Divisions

Environment, Waste Management & DecommissioningDr. Khashayar Ghandi, University of Guelph; Ian Wigginton, Kinectrics Inc.
Fuel Technologies DivisionMukesh Tayal, Nueva Science Incorporated
Raheel Hameed, Cameco Fuel Manufacturing
Nuclear Operations and Maintenance (NOM)Siddharth Raval, New Brunswick Power; Benjamin Xu, Y&Y Consulting Inc
Fusion Energy and Accelerator Science and TechnologyBlair Bromley, CNL; Peter Schwanke, Ontario Tech University
Generation IV and Small ReactorsLarisa Logan, CSA Group; David Hummel, CNL; Arthur Situm, University of Regina
Materials, Chemistry and Fitness for ServiceMohammadreza Baghbanan, OPG; Daniel Gammage, Kinectrics Inc.
Nuclear Science & EngineeringWei Shen, COG; Ben Rouben, 12 & 1 Consulting
Science and Technology of RadioisotopesEleodor Nichita, Ontario Tech University; Andrea Armstrongm, Independant
Disruptive, Innovative and Emerging Technology (DIET)Moe Fadaee, Kinectrics Inc; Kevin Lee, CNSC
Space Nuclear Applications Division (SNAP-D)Blair Bromley, CNL; Justin Spencer, CNL

CNS Committees

FinanceMohamed Younis, Doddy KastanyaKeith Stratton, Daniel Gammage, Adriaan Buijs, Mohinder Grover, Aman Usmani
Program CommitteeGuy Marleau, Peter Ottensmeyer
International Liaison and Inter-society RelationsPeter Ozemoyah, Reeghan OsmondBenjamin Rouben, 12 & 1 Consulting
Business SupportArthur Situm, Keith StrattonCheryl Tasker-Shaw (Marketing), Arthur Situm (Website Director), Keith Stratton, Jacques A. Plourde
Branch AffairsDoddy Kastanya, Raphael Schirrer
Government and Regulatory Affairs CommitteeColin Hunt and Peter Easton
Strategic PlanningPaul Spekkens, Jacques Plourde
Education and CommunicationsPeter Ottensmeyer, Matt Dalzell
Honours and AwardsUjjal Mondal, Kamal VermaPeter Ozemoyah, Robert Walker, Kamal Verma, Keith Stratton, Benjamin Rouben, Jeremy J. Whitlock, Derek Mullin, Ovidiu Nainer, W.C.H. (Bill) Kupferschmidt, Mohinder Singh Grover, Aman Usmani, Daniel Gammage, John Gorman
MembershipGuy Hotte
Vacant (co-chair)
ScholarshipMohamed Younis,Adriaan BuijsDoddy Kastanya, Wei Shen, Mohinder Singh Grover, Arthur Situm, Jadranka Popovic
CNSC Contribution Agreement ChairKeith Stratton

Subcommittee of the Executive

The Contracts CommitteeMohamed YounisMohinder Singh Grover, Peter Ozemoyah, Guy Hotte, Kamal Verma, Aman Usmani


BruceJean Sylvester
Ontario TechRyman Yau
WesternJason MKC Donev & Raphaël Schirrer
Chalk RiverAndrew C. Morreale
DurhamNicholas Preston
Golden HorseshoeStephen Marshall & Peter Kriemadis
ManitobaJason Martino
New BrunswickDerek Mullin
OttawaKen Kirkhope
Sheridan ParkRajendra Jain
TorontoMichael Krause

Past CNS Presidents

2023-24Doddy Kastanya
2022-23Guy Hotte
2021-22Kamal Verma
2020-21Aman Usmani
2019-20Keith Stratton
2018-19John Luxat
2017-18Daniel Gammage
2016-17Peter Ozemoyah
2015-16Paul D. Thompson
2014-15Jacques Plourde
2013-14Adriaan Buijs
2012-13John Roberts
2011-12Frank Doyle
2010-11Adriaan Buijs
2009-10Dorin Nichita
2008-09Jim Harvie
2007-08Eric Williams
2006-07Dan Meneley
2005-06John Luxat
2004-05Bill Schneider
2003-04Jeremy Whitlock
2002-03Ian Wilson
2001-02Dave Jackson
2000-01Ken Smith
1999-00Krish Krishnan
1998-99Paul Thompson
1997-98Ben Rouben
1996-97Hong Huynh
1995-96Jerry Cuttler
1994-95Ed Price
1993-94Paul Fehrenbach
1992-93Bill Midvidy
1991-92Gil Phillips
1990-91Hugues Bonin
1989-90Eva Rosinger
1988-89Ken Talbot
1987-88Irwin Itzkovich
1986-87Nabila Yousef
1985-86Joe Howieson
1984-85Peter Stevens-Guille
1983-84John Hewitt
1982-83Phil Ross-Ross
1981-82Phil Ross-Ross
1980-81George Howey

Past President Biographies

Dr. Kastanya received his bachelor’s, master’s, and doctorate degrees in nuclear engineering from North Carolina State University. He joined the Canadian nuclear industry in 2005 as a Reactor Physicist in the Reactor Core Physics branch of the Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) at Sheridan Park. His area of expertise are computational reactor physics, safety analysis, regional/neutron overpower protection (ROP/NOP) for CANDU design, and mathematical optimization for nuclear engineering applications.

Dr. Kastanya has served as a technical lead for many reactor-physics projects and authored/co-authored more than 200 technical reports during his tenure at AECL, Candu Energy, and Kinectrics. He has published 34 articles in international nuclear engineering journals, 3 articles in Canadian Mathematical Society Crux Mathematicorum scientific journal, 27 full-length conference papers, and 11 summary conference papers. In addition to writing technical papers, he also served as a member of many technical program committees for international nuclear engineering conferences such as PHYSOR, Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC), Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management (ANFM), and, of course, the CNS Annual Conferences. Dr. Kastanya has also served as a member of the Editorial Board for three international nuclear engineering journals namely Progress in Nuclear Energy since 2015, Annals of Nuclear Energy since 2020, and Science and Technology of Nuclear Installations since 2022.

He has been a member-at-large of the CNS Council since 2018. He has been actively supporting many committees of the CNS (e.g., finance, education and communication, scholarship, and membership). As part of his involvement with the education and communication committee, in 2023 he initiated an annual nuclear-themed essay contest for high-school students. For the council year 2023/2024, Dr. Kastanya served as the President of the CNS. He was appointed as a Fellow of the Canadian Nuclear Society at its annual conference in Saskatoon in June 2024.

Aman has over 40 years of distinguished career in NPP design, analysis and management and has held various design engineering and management positions at AECL, AMEC Foster Wheeler Nuclear Canada and Kinectrics where he is currently employed in a management position as Principal Consultant.

Aman is a longtime member of CNS council, past Co-Chair of Nuclear Operations and Maintenance division, organized and served as Chair of 2017 CANDU Maintenance and Nuclear Components conference. He was General Chair of the 2020 and Co-Chair of 2021 CNS Annual Conferences.

Aman was President of CNS (2020-2021) and served on various CNS sub-committees including Strategic planning, Finance and contract review.

He is Co-Chair of the Structure Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT28) International Conference Aman was Chair of the CSA N289 Technical Committee on seismic design (2013-2019), and member of its subcommittees, led and contributed to preparation and harmonization of CNS Seismic standards.

Dr. Usmani is Chair of CSME Technical committee on Engineering Analysis and Design and associate editor of the CSME Journal. He is a reviewer of the ASME PVP Journal.

He has authored and co-authored several technical papers.

Dr. Usmani won several awards and honours that include the AECL President’s Discovery and Distinguished Merit Awards, Fellow of CNS, Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers (CSME) 2002 Robert W. Angus Medal, Fellow of CSME (2017) and Fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada(2022).

Aman Served on various charitable organization fund raising committees including Canadian Cancer Society, Arthritis Society of Canada, and March of Dime.

Born & raised in Edmundston, NB. P.Eng (ON). Over 45 years of experience in the nuclear
industry (AECL, Ontario Hydro, OPG, NIAC) in various roles. Currently risk control engineering for
the Canadian nuclear insurance Pool, focusing on SMRs. Charter member and Past-President of
the CNS. Member of PEO, OSPE, ANS and OCNI. Fluent in English and French.

Adriaan was with Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) from 2001 to 2008, first as senior scientist in safety and licensing in the Reactor Core Physics division, then as section head for neutronic overpower protection in CANDU reactors. In 2006 he became manager of the Physics Design group for the ACR-1000.

In January 2009 Adriaan was appointed professor in the Engineering Physics Department of McMaster University in Hamilton. He was an associate chair in the department and had research projects in thorium-fuelled CANDU reactors, GEN-IV super-critical-water reactors and projects with the McMaster Nuclear Reactor (MNR). His current interest is in the physics design of Small Modular Reactors.

Adriaan has a Master’s and a PhD degree in experimental physics from the State University in Utrecht.

Adriaan was chair of the Sheridan Park Branch of the Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) from 2004 to 2008, secretary of the CNS from 2004 to 2006, and president in 2010/11 and again in 2013/14. He was the general chair of the 2023 International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Nuclear Science and Engineering in Niagara Falls.

Dr. Jeremy Whitlock is a Senior Technical Advisor in the Department of Safeguards at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), with three decades as a scientist and manager in the Canadian and international nuclear community. 

Prior to his move to the IAEA in 2017 he worked for 22 years at AECL and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, in both reactor physics and non-proliferation R&D.  

Dr. Whitlock has a B.Sc. in Physics from the University of Waterloo (1988), and an M.Eng. and PhD in Engineering Physics (reactor physics) from McMaster University (1995).  

He is a Past-President, Fellow, and former Communications Director of the Canadian Nuclear Society. Since 1997 he has also maintained the Canadian Nuclear FAQ (, which he’s proudly heard described (he thinks in a good way) as the OG website on Canadian nuclear technology. 

Dr. Whitlock lives in Vienna, Austria, and feels that canoes are the closest humans have come to inventing a perfect machine.

Paul graduated from the Engineering Mathematics program at Queen’s University specializing in the fields of Thermal Sciences and Nuclear Engineering. He has spent over 44 years in the Nuclear Power industry working in various technical and senior managerial roles at Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. and New Brunswick Power. He has a long history of involvement on various industry wide technical and steering committees as well as special projects.

Paul has previously held the positions of NB Power Deputy chief Nuclear Officer, as well as being the NB Power member on the Candu Owners Group Board of Directors and the Advisory board for the Centre for Nuclear Energy Research before retiring from NB Power.

Since retirement, Paul has worked on contract with NB Power as the Senior Strategic Advisor for the Advanced Reactor Development team at NB Power, providing strategic advice, interface with the industry, and responsible for oversight of areas involving fuel, reprocessing and radioactive waste. He was a member of the Steering Committee that developed the Pan-Canadian SMR Roadmap, the CEO SMR Forum Working group, the COG SMR Technology forum and the team supporting the Inter-Provincial MOU on SMRs.

Paul is also the Executive Advisor for Clean Core Thorium Energy, a company developing an evolutionary thoria-uranium advanced fuel for use in pressurized heavy water reactors.

Paul has twice held the position of President of the Canadian Nuclear Society and is recognized as a Fellow of the Canadian Nuclear Society. In June 2020, Paul received the Canadian Nuclear Society/Canadian Nuclear Association Harold A. Smith Award for Outstanding Achievement.

Ben Rouben is a reactor physicist.  He was Manager of the Core Reactor Physics Branch at AECL Sheridan Park from 1993 to 2006.  Following retirement from AECL, Ben became a Consultant (12 & 1 Consulting) and an Adjunct Professor at McMaster University and University of Ontario Institute of Technology (now Ontario Tech).  Ben also became Secretary/Treasurer of UNENE (the University Network of Excellence in Nuclear Engineering), at the same time teaching M.Eng. courses for UNENE.

Ben served as CNS president in 1997-1998, and oversaw the successful initiative for the CNS to separate from the CNA and attain status as a distinct not-for-profit corporation.  Ben later served as CNS Executive Administrator for about 10 years, until 2019.  

Ben was voted Fellow of the CNS in 1998.