If you would like to volunteer to become part of the CNS-FSTD executive to serve in a role, please contact CNS-FSTD Chair Blair Bromley (bromleyb@aecl.ca).
Position | Key Activities | Name | Affiliation | |
Chair | Division organization and communications. |
Blair Bromley bromleyb@aecl.ca |
AECL-CRL | bromleyb@aecl.ca |
Co-Chair | Assistant to Chair | Peter Schwanke (tentative) | Candu Energy | Peter.Schwanke@candu.com |
FSTD Webmaster | Maintains CNS-FSTD webpage. | Terry Price | UOIT | Terry.Price@gmail.com |
FSTD Membership | Promotes membership. | open | ||
Secretary | Record meeting minutes and actions. |
Alex Fallon | General Fusion | Alex.Fallon@generalfusion.com |
Tokamak SME | Subject matter expert. |
Dr. Chijin Xiao | University of Saskatchewan Department of Physics | Chijin.Xiao@usask.ca |
Inertial Confinement SME | Subject matter expert. | Professor Robert Fedosejevs | University of Alberta Electrical Engineering | rfed@ualberta.ca |
Magnetized Target Fusion SME | Subject matter expert. | Michael Delage (tentative) | General Fusion (Vancouver, BC) | michael.delage@generalfusion.com |
Alternative Concepts SME | Subject matter expert. | open | ||
Fusion Fuels SME | Subject matter expert. | open | ||
Director – ITER Liaison | To be defined. | Dr. Pitcher Spencer | ITER ? Diagnostics Group | Spencer.Pitcher@iter.org |
Director ? India Liaison | To be defined. | Prof. M. S. Kalra | Nuclear Engineering and Technology Programme Indian Institute of Technology | msk@iitk.ac.in |
Student Liaison | To be defined. | Sourena Golesorkhi | UOIT | sourena.golesorkhi@uoit.ca |
Student Liaison | To be defined | Achint Rastogi | UOIT | achint.rastogi.1087@gmail.com |
Conference Coordination Assistant | To be defined. | David Malcolm | Yellowknife, NWT | david.malcolm@mcri.ca |
Director ? Liaison SME ? Condensed Matter Physics | Subject Matter Expert Condensed Matter Physics, Superconducting materials. Position Paper Coordinator | Dr. Satyen Baindur (confirmed) | satyen@baindur.org | |
Directors ?Liaisons at Various Canadian and International Universities, Laboratories, and Institutions | To be defined. | Open |