Host Sponsor: CNL’s CEO & President, Mark Lesinski [Bio]
Nov. 6
Nov. 7
Nov. 8
Nov. 9 – Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) Tour
Conference Registration Fees include:
Registration is now closed.
If you are a presenter and have not registered and/or if you have any questions regarding registration contact Ben Rouben.
Early Bird | Regular (after Sept. 3, 2018) | |
CNS Member | $780 | $880 |
Non CNS Member | $885 | $985 |
CNS Retiree Member | $330 | $380 |
Full-Time Student (CNS Member) | $340 | $390 |
*To qualify for the student registration rate you must be a CNS Student Member in good standing. CNS membership is complimentary for students in full-time attendance at recognized Canadian institutions.Visit the CNS membership page for details on how to become a CNS Student Member. |
Cancellation of registration must be submitted in writing to the Conference Registrar no later than September 30, 2018. Refunds, less a $150 processing fee will be issued after the Conference. No refunds will be provided for cancellation of paid registrations after September 30, 2018.
If you are not already a member of the CNS, consider joining in order to obtain the reduced conference registration rate as well as the many other membership benefits. For details about membership, go to the CNS membership page.
Abstract Submission deadline has been extended to March 23, 2018, due to some abstract submissions requiring longer lead time for approval. The Revised key dates are :
Abstract Submission extended March 23, 2018
Acceptance of Abstractsextended April 6, 2018
Draft Paper Submission May 18, 2018
Final Paper Submission extended August 10, 2018
Paper-Acceptance Letters Sent to Authors: August 3, 2018
Please submit your Abstracts and Full Papers to: Abstracts should follow the attached Abstract Template. For Full-Paper template click here.
A block of rooms at CAD$209 per night (+ tax) was available in the Conference hotel, the Ottawa Marriott. However, due to the unexpected demand, the reserved block of rooms is now full.
Need a place to stay during the Canadian Nuclear Society being held in Ottawa? We have negotiated a special group rate for you to benefit from. Please contact the hotel reservation department directly to make your reservation at the negotiated rate of $189 plus taxes and fees for a One Bedroom Suite with single or double occupancy. Please quote the Canadian Nuclear Society to gain access to the group rate. This special rate will be available to you until October 10, 2018. Underground parking for vehicles of 6Ft in clearance is available for $23.95 per day + tax, with in and out privileges and is based on availability. Reservations can be made online until October 10, 2018 at: Canadian Nuclear Society online booking link Reservations can be made with the hotel directly until October 10, 2018 at: (613) 238-8858 or (800) 267-6644 Live large at The Albert at Bay Suite Hotel. Why not stay in an apartment-sized suite for the same price as a cramped hotel room? Our suites – the largest in Ottawa – along with incredible onsite facilities make up the exceptional value and convenience you’re looking for in an all-suite hotel. |
Dear Colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to inform you that The Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS), and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) are hosting the 1st International Conference on Generation IV and Small Reactors in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada on November 6-8, 2018 at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel.
I would like to invite you to participate in this exciting conference, whose theme is “Meeting the Challenges to Deploy next Generation Advanced Reactors and SMRs”.
Generation IV and SMRs can play an important role in addressing the energy, health, safety, security and climate-change goals of the world. Generation IV small reactors have advanced passive safety features, are resistant to nuclear proliferation, have no greenhouse gas emissions, and are promoted as being economically competitive by lowering cost from mass production. They are suitable for niche and off-grid applications, as well as a connection to the electric grid as a supply option to provide incremental capacity as needed to match incremental energy demand. The Conference will have distinguished speakers. In addition, there will be exhibits and booths to showcase your reactor design, products or services.
Since George C. Laurence designed one of the world’s first nuclear reactors at the National Research Council (NRC) in Ottawa in 1941, Canada has built a comprehensive, mature, world-renowned nuclear science & technology (S & T) ecosystem in mosaic capabilities serving broad research needs, within both academia and industry, and that span across the country and across Canada’s industrial sectors.
Please join us in this exciting conference to explore Canadian nuclear S & T capabilities and to participate in discussions on international collaborations, and to keep up-to-date with the latest research in tackling the challenges to deploy next generation advanced reactors and SMRs.
Yours sincerely,
Daniel Gammage,
2017-2018 President, Canadian Nuclear Society.
CNL is excited to co-host this, the first, Generation-IV and Small Reactor (G4SR) Conference. We would like to extend an invitation to colleagues, partners, developers and all others interested in the next generation of nuclear technology to join us in Ottawa for the 2018 event. Though it is the first G4SR, it builds off the strength of technical meetings we have supported for the past several years. Like Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, this event is transforming and revisiting the interests and needs of its core customers, and the programming is evolving to address these shifts.
Earlier this year, we declared small modular reactors, commonly referred to as SMRs, as one of seven strategic initiatives the company intends to pursue as part of its Long-Term Strategy, with the specific goal of siting an SMR on one of our sites by 2026. We believe in the commercial viability of SMRs, and it is our vision to serve as a global leader in SMR demonstration, testing and technology development support. Success in achieving this goal requires the critical connections that will be formed through the dialogue at events such as G4SR.
The conference promises an engaging, and productive two-full days exploring topics critical to the design, development and deployment of Generation IV and small reactors. It brings together world leaders in technical and non-technical aspects of deployment for discussions relevant not just to Canada but globally. I invite you to join in the conversation.
Dr. Kathy McCarthy
Vice-President, Research & Development, Canadian Nuclear Laboratories
Wilson Lam, P.Eng. (Ont), Charter Eng. (UK)
CNS Division Chair – Generation IV and Small Reactor
Technology Senior Advisor, Nuclear Technology Ontario Ministry of Energy
Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) and Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) are hosting the 1st International Conference on Generation IV and Small Reactors. It is our privilege as the Conference Co-Chairs to present to you our exciting Preliminary Conference Program.
The six advanced reactor designs selected for development by the International Generation IV Forum (GIF) are: Gas-cooled Fast Reactor (GFR); Lead-cooled Fast Reactor (LFR); Molten Salt Reactor (MSR); Supercritical Water-cooled Reactor (SCWR); Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR); and Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR).
Several Small Modular Reactor technology developers (whose designs belong to some of the above Generation IV design categories) have recently established themselves in Canada and initiated dialogue with the regulator, suppliers, utilities, governments and potential customers, for potential development and deployment in Canada. Currently, ten SMR technology developers have applied for pre-licensing vendor design review (VDR) process with the regulator, to gain an early assessment of their SMR design.
Building on growing domestic and global interest, and emerging partnerships among governments and the private sector, the theme of this International Conference is “Meeting the Challenges to Deploy Next Generation Advanced Reactors and SMRs” in fostering low-carbon energy innovation for Canada and the world. As such, it will cover the topics of interest to designers, operators, researchers, analysts, policy makers involved in the design, development and deployment of Generation IV and small reactors for research and power generation purposes.
To start off on Nov. 6, 2018, there will be two timely workshops on hot topics: Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology for SMRs, and Canadian Regulatory Challenges of Gen IV and SMRs,
Dr. Bronwyn Hyland
Program Manager,
Small Modular Reactors
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories delivered by domain experts. The conference (Nov. 7 – 8, 2018) will have four important plenary sessions delivered in sequence by distinguished Canadian and international speakers, plus numerous Technical Program Tracks conducted in parallel over the two days, covering wide spectrum of advanced SMR research and policy topics, with numerous invited distinguished speakers’ presentations on important topics for SMR development and deployment.
A technical tour of the Chalk River Laboratories, hosted by CNL, will be offered to interested attendees on Friday November 9, 2018.
Advanced SMRs are potential game changing technological innovations which can meet the goals for Generation IV nuclear energy systems on sustainability, economics, safety and reliability, proliferation resistant and physical protection. For the benefits of the society at large, the SMR innovations can lead to potential large-scale production of hydrogen, a potential future low-carbon energy source that can provide energy sustainability for the world in replacing gasoline for transportation or natural gas for heating or industrial processes. Just as importantly, Generation IV advanced reactors can potentially lead to technological innovations on reprocessing or recycling of used nuclear fuel or the use of thorium to power nuclear reactors. As SMR vendors and the industry stakeholders work to advance the SMR technologies from the design concept to laboratory testing, licensing and on through to deployment, there will be challenges; G4SR-1 is an international forum for the industry and stakeholders to work together to identify obstacles and opportunities, and seek solutions through dialogue, engagement and collaboration.
The exciting moment to explore the SMR technological innovations has come. We invite you to submit your research papers, join the important discussion with your peers at the conference, and explore the international collaborations in meeting the challenges for future SMR deployments.
Opening Evening Reception | $3,000 |
Conference Banquet | $5,000 |
Breakfast Sponsor (2 available) | $2,000 |
Luncheon Sponsor (2 available) | $4,000 |
Refreshment Breaks (4 available) | $1,000 |
Exhibits – Table top | $2,000 |
Booth / Display Space | Please enquire |
Sponsorship and Opportunities Package is available here
Sponsorships of less than the full suggested amount, or joint sponsorships may be considered; at the full discretion on of the organizing committee.
Host Sponsor:
Banquet Sponsor:
Any inquiries related to the CRL Tour can be emailed to
Date: Nov 9 (Friday), 2018 Fees: A fee of $30 will be charged to cover transportation costs for the tour.
Registration is required. Please see details below.
You can select the CRL tour option here in the online registration form.
CNL’s Chalk River Laboratories (CRL) represents the largest single complex within Canada’s science and technology infrastructure. The site contains many licenced nuclear facilities, and more than 50 unique research and production facilities and laboratories.
Visitors to the CRL campus will have an opportunity to explore a selection of facilities, with tours provided by subject matter experts.
All G4SR-1 conference attendees wishing to attend the CRL Tour must:
Note: CNL Tour registration on the CNL website will open on 2018 August 13. Please register no later than 2018 October 19. Registrants will be contacted by email provided to confirm their attendance.
Additional information for tour registrants:
TRANSPORTATION: The tour bus will leave the Marriot hotel at 7:30 am. The bus will leave the CRL site at 2:00 pm, and return to the Marriot hotel. Arrival back at the hotel is expected to be between 5:00 and 6:00 pm.
PHOTO ID: Please have valid photo identification with you on the tour at all times.
DRESS CODE: Pants and closed-toe shoes and pants are recommended, as required for some facilities. Shorts/skirts, or high heels are not permitted.
CAMERAS: Cameras or video recording devices are not permitted.
MEALS: Lunch will be provided at CNL.
CONTACT INFO: Any inquiries related to the CRL Tour can be emailed to
Don’t forget to complete your G4SR-1 registration for the tour, by selecting the link provided here.
Dr. T. (Nithy) Nitheanandan,
Director, Engineering Design Assessment Division
Directorate of Assessment and Analysis
Technical Support Branch
Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) [bio]
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Nithy provides scientific and technical leadership to scientists, engineers, and technologist on nuclear-power-reactor severe accidents, fuel-channel heat transfer, fuel behaviour under accident conditions, fission-product release, containment behaviour, and finite-element analysis of structural thermo-mechanical behaviour. Internationally cited ASME Journal Paper includes: Benchmarking Severe Accident Computer Codes for Heavy Water Reactor Applications ASME J of Nuclear Rad Sci 3(2), 020903 (Mar 01, 2017) (11 pages)
IAEA Presentation: Introduction of GIF ISAM for Gen IV Reactor Systems
Workshop Content:
The Generation IV Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG) developed an Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology (ISAM) [1] to support the concept that safety is “built in” the Gen IV reactor design processes rather than “added on”. ISAM accomplishes this by assimilating safety requirements as reactor systems are conceptualised and designed. The methodology is useful not only for the Gen IV technology development cycle but also for the Small Modular Reactor (SMR) concept and design development.
There are five main tools in ISAM, namely, (1) Qualitative Safety Features Review (QSR), (2) Phenomena Identification and Ranking Table (PIRT), (3) Objective Provision Tree (OPT), (4) Deterministic and Phenomenological Analyses (DPA), and (5) Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA). Each tool is intended to be used in answering specific safety-related questions in diverse degrees of detail and during different stages of design maturity. The ISAM tools is expected to be used throughout the concept development and design phases to derive insights to influence the course of the design evolution. The application of these tools would yield an objective understanding of risk contributors, effectiveness of safety-related design provisions, sources and impacts of uncertainties, and other safety-related issues that are important for a successful design. The tools also present a measure of design maturity, in terms of the level of safety and risk associated with the conceptual design relative to safety objectives.
The workshop on Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology will introduce ISAM concept, provide examples of Gen IV advanced reactors applications, and list some relevant literature for further reading.
Reference: 1. An Integrated Safety Assessment Methodology (ISAM) for Generation IV Nuclear Systems, Risk and Safety Working Group (RSWG), GIF/RSGW/ISAM Report Version 1, 18 June 2010.
Dr. Margot Hurlbert, Professor, CSIP Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Regina
Margot is the Lead, Science, Technology and Innovation Research Cluster, Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy, Regina, Saskatchewan, Coordinating Lead Author of Chapter 7, “Risk Management and Decision Making in Relation to Sustainable Development” of the IPCC Special Report on Land and Climate. After practising law for 18 years (the final years in the capacity of Assistant General Counsel at SaskPower) she has many publications and research projects relating to public acceptance, public engagement and nuclear energy. Key nuclear projects include:
She is a member of Canadian Nuclear Society’s Generation IV and Small Reactor Division – Regulatory frameworks, ownership models and business cases for SMRs working on “Accelerating Licensing of Advanced Nuclear through International Coordination – Exploring Potential Pathways” project.
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Workshop Co-Chair – Dr. Todd Allen is currently a Professor and Expert on nuclear engineering, material science and energy at the University of Wisconsin and a Senior Fellow at Third Way, a DC base Think Tank, supporting their Clean Energy Portfolio. He was the Deputy Director for Science and Technology at the Idaho National Laboratory from January 2013 through January 2016. Prior to INL he was a Professor in the Engineering Physics Department at the University of Wisconsin, a position held from September 2003 through December 2012. From March 2008 – December 2012, he was concurrently the Scientific Director of the Advanced Test Reactor National Scientific User Facility at INL. Prior to joining the University of Wisconsin, he was a Nuclear Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory-West in Idaho Falls. His Doctoral Degree is in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Michigan (1997) and his Bachelor’s Degree in Nuclear Engineering is from Northwestern University (1984). Prior to graduate work, he was an officer in the United States Navy Nuclear Power Program. |
Workshop Content:
Discussions are well underway surrounding the appropriateness of Canada’s current regulatory framework and regulatory program and changes that might be required due to differences relating to Generation IV and SMR technology.
Licensing uncertainties exist including: whether a gap analysis must be performed for foreign codes/standards and Canadian, if special licensing will be needed for a demonstration reactor, and what a ‘phased in’ or step wise approach might look like in relation to licensing approvals. Outstanding legal issues include:
Perhaps one of the biggest looming regulatory challenges is the degree of stakeholder support from nearby communities, aboriginal groups and other stakeholders. Consultations will be required and there is uncertainty how this will coincide with regulatory approval.
This workshop will focus on adequately identifying uncertainties, building strategies and opportunities to reduce uncertainty, how uncertainty interfaces with public acceptance and approval and how this can all occur while protecting the environment, maintaining safety, and building on public engagement.
This workshop will engage participants in break-out discussion groups with understanding the regulatory approval issues, the identification of uncertainties, and the public engagement process providing examples of novel communications, engagement mechanisms, and public interface models.
References: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission – DIS-16-04 Small Modular Reactors: Regulatory Strategy, Approaches and Challenges Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission – What we Heard Report – DIS-16-04 Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Perspectives on Canada’s SMR Opportunity, Summary Report
Ben Rouben
Bob O’Sullivan
Tel: (1) 416-977-7620
Senior Advisor, Nuclear Technology, Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development & Mines
Dr. Metin Yetisir,
Section Head, Advanced Reactor Technologies,
Systems and Safety Analysis Branch,
Canadian Nuclear Laboratories,
Adjunct Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton University
Stavros Corbett
R&D Scientist Fuel Performance and Evaluation
Fuel Development Branch Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL)