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CANDU Technology & Safety Course 2025

March 24 March 26



The registration fees, as shown below, includes 13% HST (HST # 870488889RT)

Early-Bird Rate

(If register by 2025 February 7)

  • CNS Member: $1350.00 [Must be a CNS member in good standing]
  • Non-CNS Member: $1430.00
  • Non-CNS Member: $1430.00

Regular Rate

(If register after 2025 February 7)

  • CNS Member: $1450.00 [Must be a CNS member in good standing]
  • Non-CNS Member: $1530.00
  • Full-time student (CNS member) or CNS retiree member: $640.00

Register early to avoid disappointment. Registration will be closed if course capacity is reached. The ultimate deadline for registering is 2025 March 7. Cancellation is non-refundable after 2025 March 7.

For registration information, please communicate with: CNS Office Toronto, ON Tel: 416-977-7620 e-mail: cns_office@cns-snc.ca


A very special room rate per night of $219 + Tax is available at the Courtyard by Marriott Downtown Toronto, but to receive this special rate you must book by 2025 March 4. Click here (if clicking does not work, please try copying the link directly to your browser), or call 1-800-847-5075 and request the CNS Course Group Booking. Book early to avoid disappointment!.

Course Overview

This CNS course will present an extensive overview of the important disciplines in CANDU  reactor technology and safety. The course  provides an introduction to the basic design, technology, and operation of nuclear reactors. It  will also present the major systems in a nuclear  plant, as well as the important CANDU reactor  safety principles and systems. How to prepare  and execute safety analysis to meet licensing  demands will also be discussed.  

The CNS is presenting this course to enhance  the professional and technical capabilities of its  members (and non-members) working in, or  interested in, the nuclear industry. The course is  ideally suited for beginning professionals, but  also beneficial to experienced professionals.  Come broaden your nuclear knowledge beyond  your specific area of work and your own area of  expertise.  

This course is eligible for Continuing Education  Units in the context of the Engineering Institute  of Canada Continuing Education program. 

Continental breakfast, buffet lunch, and coffee  breaks are provided each day. There will also be  a banquet on the second evening of the course,  with an after-dinner speech highlighting a timely  topic in the Canadian Nuclear industry. 

Tentative topics to be covered in the course:

  • CANDU Design
  • Reactor-Physics Fundamentals
  • Fuel Fundamentals
  • Thermalhydraulics Fundamentals
  • Nuclear Steam Supply System
  • Fuel & Fuel-Channel Safety
  • Analysis and Trip Coverage
  • Instrument and Control
  • Balance of Plant
  • CANDU Safety Design
  • Experiments and Computer Codes

Objectives of the course

  • To provide an introduction to CANDU technology and reactor safety
  • To present safety-analysis principles
  • To provide an overview of the major CANDU systems
  • To foster nuclear safety culture
  • To network with colleagues in the industry


Dr. Ben Rouben, Fellow of CNS

Dr. Wei Shen, Fellow of CNS

John P.S Froats, P. Eng.

Dr. Thambiayah (Nithy) Nitheanandan

Guest Speakers

CANDU MONARK Design Description

AtkinsRéalis is developing the CANDU® MONARKTM, a cutting-edge evolution of the proven CANDU reactor design, which is already known for its reliability and safety. The CANDU MONARK reactor represents the latest advances in nuclear technology by improving on traditional features, providing enhanced safety measures, cost-efficiency, a shorter construction schedule, and positive economic impacts for Canadians. This presentation will provide a description of the GW-scale CANDU MONARK design. The presentation will describe major systems with an emphasis on how this design strikes the balance between building on proven and successful existing CANDU system design while also incorporating improvements to enhance constructability, economics and safety in a design developed for deployment in Canada from the ground up.