Speaker: Dr. Jerry Cuttler, D.Sc., P. Eng., Former Engineering Manager at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
Summary: The presentation demonstrates that a credible accident would not cause any radiation-induced thyroid cancers in the surrounding population. The purpose of pre-distributing these pills is compliance with the precautionary principle policy that was adopted in 1960 by the U.S. NCRP and accepted world wide. The reason given for adopting the false radiation scare was a lack of scientific information about the health effects of radiation. However, more than 120 years of scientific evidence in medicine and research is available that supports the known safety of the expected exposures to ionizing radiation. Distributing KI pills would only add to widespread public fear. The false scare not only blocks the provision of affordable nuclear energy, it also blocks potential applications of low doses of radiation in medical therapies for diseases, such as cancer metastasis, inflammations, infections, autoimmune conditions, and neurodegenerative Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
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