Thermal-hydraulics, operations, and safety are recognized as the key cross-cutting subjects for the development of advanced nuclear systems and for the operations and safety assessment of operating plants. NUTHOS has provided the international nuclear communities with an information exchange forum of engineering experience, new research results and future demands on these three subjects.
The first NUTHOS was held in Taipei in 1984 followed by Tokyo (1986), Seoul (1988), Taipei (1994), Beijing (1997), Nara (2004), Seoul (2008) and Shanghai (2010). The success of the previous conferences clearly indicates the high interests of the international nuclear community in NUTHOS and leads to the establishment of NUTHOS as one of the major international conferences in these fields. The ninth of the series, NUTHOS-9, will continue the NUTHOS tradition to provide the international nuclear industries, research institutions and academic organizations an open platform for exchanging their up-to-the-minute research results and engineering experiences.
In light of the recent tragic events at Fukushima, NUTHOS-9 includes an addition theme to address all aspects of the technical issues related to this event. Special plenary and technical sessions are organized to report on the latest analysis results, implemented corrective actions, policy changes, impacts to operating plants and new orders, and future perspectives.
It is our greatest pleasure to invite you to attend the NUTHOS-9 conference, to share the latest scientific and technical results.