DATE: Sep 11 – Sep 14 2011
Marriott Toronto Downtown Eaton Centre |
Conference Information Contact: Elizabeth Muckle-Jeffs E-mail: Tel. North America Toll-free: 1-800-868-8776 Tel. International: 613-732-7068 Registration Information Contact: |
The Canadian Nuclear Society is pleased to host the Conference on Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration for Canada’s Nuclear Activities that will be held September 11-14, 2011 at the Marriott Toronto Downtown Eaton Centre Hotel. The working language of the Conference is English. Two Post-Conference tours are also planned, see below for details.
The main objective of the Conference is to provide a forum for discussion and exchange of views on the technical, regulatory and social challenges and opportunities for radioactive waste management, nuclear facility decommissioning and environmental restoration activities in Canada. The three-day conference is organized into Plenary Sessions and six technical tracks that address low-and intermediate-level wastes, decommissioning, uranium mining and milling wastes, irradiated nuclear fuel management, environmental restoration, information management, social issues, policies and programs, and regulatory considerations.
The Final Program will include Abstracts of final papers as a guide to the contents of the presentations that will be made. Conference Proceedings will be published on a CD and mailed to participants following the Conference.
Early Registration Deadline June 10, 2011
Hotel Reservation Deadline August 22, 2011
Conference September 11-14, 2011
Post-Conference Technical Tours September 15, 2011
Sponsorship towards this Conference provides not only the benefit of corporate visibility, but also recognition among participants of a company’s leadership within the industry, and as a strong supporter of the Conference and its objectives. There are a range of sponsorships opportunities and levels of financial support. Please contact the Conference Administrator to obtain the Sponsorship Information package.
Final Program Final as of August 31, 2011
Click here to access the online Registration Form
Registration after June 10, 2011
CNS Member Rate $900.00
Non-member Rate $1,000.00
Student $220.00
Retiree $325.00
CNS Member One-Day $400.00
Non-Member One-Day $450.00
Extra Banquet Ticket $125.00
Extra Conference Proceedings $125.00
The Marriott Toronto Downtown Eaton Centre is the location for all Conference activities. The hotel has a block of rooms is held for Conference Participants at the reduced rate of $199 per night single or double occupancy plus applicable taxes. The cut-off date for reservations is Friday, August 22, 2011, so please reserve early.
Please note that the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) will also take place at the time of the Conference, so it is important to make hotel reservations as early as possible to be assured of accommodation, as it is can be difficult to arrange accommodation during TIFF.
Room reservations must be made directly with the Hotel by calling 1-800-905-0667. When calling the hotel, you must indicate that the reservation is for the CNS 2011 Waste Management
Conference. You can also register online through this direct hotel reservation link.
Full Paper Submission Deadline: May 13, 2011
Full papers should include sufficient information for a clear presentation of the topic. Usually this can be achieved in 8-12 pages, including figures and tables.
For a paper to appear in the Conference Proceedings, at least one of the authors must register for the Conference by the “early” registration date of June 10, 2011.
Papers must be prepared and submitted according to the Preparation and Submission Guidelines (en Français) and using the Paper Preparation Template (en Français) and submitted by email to before the deadline of May 13, 2011.
Papers that do not conform to the Guidelines and Template will be returned to the author for reworking and resubmission.
The submission deadline for Full Papers is May 13, 2011. The Technical Program Committee reserves the write to withdraw presentations from the program is the full paper has not been received by that date.
Submitting authors will be provided with comments on their papers by August 15, 2011. Final Papers are then to be submitted by September 11, 2011.
Paper Abstracts will be published in the Final Conference Program provided to all registered participants as a guide to the contents of the presentations.
Please refer to these Final Instructions to Parallel Session Authors and Presenters. I you have any questions or require clarification of any details, please contact Alan Melnyk, Technical Program Chair by email to
Please refer to the Speaker Slide Deck Preparation and Submission Guidelines (en Français) for important information about preparing PowerPoint slide presentations and on-site submission at the Speaker A/V Check-in Desk.
Deadline for Full Paper submission May 13, 2011
Registration Deadline for One Paper Author (at least) June 10, 2011
Comments on Papers provided to authors August 15, 2011
Hotel Reservation Deadline August 22, 2011
Deadline for Final Paper submission September 11, 2011
Colin Allan (AECL, retired), Conference General Chair
Alan Melnyk (AECL), Technical Program Chair
Ken Dormuth (AECL retired), Plenary Session Chair
Joan Miller (AECL), Sponsorships and Exhibits
Tracy Sanderson (AECL), Treasurer
Benjamin Rouben (CNS), Facilities
Pauline Witzke (OPG), Judy Ryan (COG, retired), Barbara Gray (AECL, retired), Technical and Social Tours
Judy Ryan
Barbara Gray
Tom Kotzer (Cameco Corporation)
Don Howard (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission)
Kathleen Hollington (Natural Resources Canada)
Dave McCauley (Natural Resources Canada)
Jamie Robinson (NWMO)
Elizabeth Muckle-Jeffs
The Professional Edge
1027 Pembroke Street East, Suite 200
Pembroke, Ontario K8A 3M4
Ph: North America Toll Free: 1-800-868-8776
International: 613-732-7068
Fax: 613-732-3386
Denise Rouben
Canadian Nuclear Society
400 University Avenue, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M5G 1V2
Tel.: 416-977-7620
Fax: 416-663-3504
This conference is being organized by the Canadian Nuclear Society in cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and is co-sponsored by the American Nuclear Society, Argentina Nuclear Technology Association, the Atomic Energy Society of Japan, the Chinese Nuclear Society, the Indian Nuclear Society, the Korean Nuclear Society, the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD and the Romanian Nuclear Energy Association.
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Questions regarding papers and the Technical Program should be addressed to Mark Chapman