Canada’s Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Action Plan

Speaker:   Justin Hannah, Director, Nuclear Energy Division, Natural Resources Canada Summary:   An overview of Canada’s SMR Action Plan will be presented. Canada’s SMR Action Plan was launched on December 18th, 2020. The Action Plan is the result of a pan-Canadian effort bringing together key enablers from across Canada, including the federal government, provinces and territories, municipalities, Indigenous […]

CNS Sheridan Park Branch – Career Planning and Emerging Trends for Engineers in the Nuclear Industry

Title:   Career Planning and Emerging Trends for Engineers in the Nuclear Industry Date/time:   Tuesday March 15, 2022,  4:00 PM to 5:00 PM Speaker:   Ruben Oris Valiente,  Vice-President, Nuclear Steam Plant Engineering, SNC-Lavalin Summary:   The presentation’s objective is to provide a contemporary, albeit personal, look at opportunities and potential career paths available to engineers in the nuclear industry, how […]

CNS Wester Branch Webinar – Nuclear Fusion: Canadian Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities

Starting with an outline of fundamental approaches for nuclear fusion, basic challenges are identified that must be overcome to arrive at commercially viable fusion energy generation. The challenges require expertise and innovative ideas found not only in the sciences, but also the fields of engineering, economics, and social sciences. Fusion has the potential of providing […]

Invitation – INUDECO Online Marathon

Dear colleagues! I invite you and your colleagues to join the open online marathon INUDECO "Challenges of Ukraine's nuclear energy in wartime".The event will take place on April 27-28, 2022. Organizers: Slavutych City Council, Institute for Nuclear Power Plant Safety of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukrainian Nuclear Society. The task of the conference is […]

GE-Hitachi SMR BWRX-300 Presentation

CNS Sheridan Park Branch invites you to participate in the following virtual presentation: Speaker:   Doug McDonald,  BWRX-300 Product Manager,  GE Hitachi Nuclear Summary:   GE-Hitachi SMR Presentation: The BWRX-300 (BWRX-300 ( is a 300 MWe water-cooled, natural circulation Small Modular Reactor (SMR) with passive safety systems that leverages the design and licensing basis of GEH's U.S. NRC-certified […]

CNS Sheridan Park Branch invites you to participate in:  Is it appropriate to pre-distribute potassium-iodide (KI) pills around nuclear power plants?

Speaker:   Dr. Jerry Cuttler,  D.Sc., P. Eng., Former Engineering Manager at Atomic Energy of Canada Limited Summary:   The presentation demonstrates that a credible accident would not cause any radiation-induced thyroid cancers in the surrounding population. The purpose of pre-distributing these pills is compliance with the precautionary principle policy that was adopted in 1960 by the […]

CNS Sheridan Park Branch invites you to participate in the following virtual presentation: eVinci™ Microreactor for Commercial and Space Applications

Presenter: Michael Valore, Sr. Director – Advanced Reactor Commercialization Energy Systems, Westinghouse Electric Company Summary:  The presentation will cover Westinghouse Electric Co. development of the eVinci™ Microreactor which provides grid resiliency for strategic infrastructure, delivers power for remote applications and supports power for space program needs. At the heart of the reactor technology are sodium heat pipes. […]

Lunch, learn and chat

Hot on the heels of their successful campaign to have the future of Pickering reconsidered Canadians for Nuclear Energy (C4NE) kicked off a campaign to build 10 new CANDUs with the release of a report. Join me and Chris Keefer, the leader of C4NE for a lunch, learn and chat on Wednesday, June 14, from […]

The Evolution of Safety Analysis (Cases) – Enhancing Risk Mitigation in the Nuclear Industry

Speaker:   Christopher Rees, Principal Consultant for Nuclear Safety at Risktec Solutions Summary:  This presentation delves into the history and role of safety analysis (cases) in the Canadian nuclear industry. It explorers the origin and evolution of safety cases, and their significance in ensuring robust risk mitigation, setting operational constraints and limits, for nuclear sites.  We highlight the […]

Western Branch Seminar: Westinghouse eVinci™ Micro-reactor Overview

Abstract: Westinghouse is developing the eVinci™ microreactor to revolutionize how cost-competitive, carbon-free energy is delivered. The eVinci microreactor is a 15MW thermal heat pipe reactor capable of generating 5MW of electricity and is designed to run for approximately eight full power years before refueling. This transportable technology simplifies the traditional reactor design and facilitates greatly reduced […]