PHWR Safety 2014/CANSAS-2014

Hosted and organized by: Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) and Atomic Energy ofCanada Limited (AECL) in cooperation with International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) andCANDU Safety Association for Sustainability (CANSAS) For more information visit click here

19th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC-2014)

Fulfilling the Promise of Nuclear Technology in the Pacific Basin in the 21st Century   Conference Announcement Click here for the conference flyer. Presentation Initial Presentation on PBNC-2014 (PDF) Tourism Vancouver Click here to visit the tourism Vancouver website. Accommodations Hyatt Regency Vancouver hotel


"The Role of Reactor Physics toward a Sustainable Future" Call for Papers (PDF)


Objectives of the Course To provide the understanding of CANDU fuel design, performance and operation To foster the understanding of the systems that interface with fuel and the effects on performance To promote knowledge of fuel within the CANDU industry Aim of Course The aim of this course is to provide an understanding of the […]

Nuclear Plant Chemistry Conference 2014

NPC 2014 will be aimed at increasing safety and reliability for LWRs as well as improving plant operation by presenting and discussing enhancements in water chemistry based the latest R&D and operational experiences shared among its participants. This meeting will also provide lessons learned from Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident in March 2011 such as the […]

3rd International Technical Meeting on Small Reactors

Presentations Click here for the conference plenary presentations. Photos Click here for the conference photos. Objective Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) and Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) are hosting the 3rd International Technical Meeting on Small Reactors. There is growing international interest and activity in the development of small nuclear reactor technology including building prototypes and research reactors. […]


Premier forum for nuclear instrumentation and control (I&C) and human factors engineering professionals and nuclear utility engineers and managers, government scientists, and officials to meet with leaders in industry and academia, gauge the state of the technology, exchange information, and discuss future directions of the industry.

CNS CANDU Reactor Technology & Safety Course

Course Overview This CNS course will present an extensive overview of the important disciplines in CANDU reactor technology and safety.  The course provides an introduction to the basic design, technology, and operation of nuclear reactors.  It will also present the major systems in a nuclear plant, as well as the important CANDU reactor safety principles […]

Advances in Nuclear Fuel Management V

The meeting is a forum for addressing a broad spectrum of front-end nuclear fuel management activities, within the context of reactor physics and fuel cycle economics. Topics will range from methods development and verification to design and implementation of new in-core fuel products and strategies.