The CNS Education and Communication Committee has the following mandate:
- To facilitate the exchange of information pertaining to nuclear-related issues amongst CNS members and the general public and to develop and administer educational program in this regard;
- To encourage CNS members to become involved in speaking out and writing on nuclear issues and to participate in public educational programs;
- To improve the means by which the CNS communicates with public;
- To coordinate programs with Learned Societies to Advance Science and Technology in Canadian Schools.
The CNS interacts with Canadian universities offering nuclear programs through the CNS Universities Committee.

The CNS has established a resource for consulting by email with experts in Canadian nuclear science and technology. “Ask an Expert!” puts teachers, students, journalists, and other interested persons in direct, informal contact with Canadian nuclear scientists and educators. Contact us at
The CNS maintains partnerships with other groups sharing our goals in education and communication. Through its Education and Communication Committee, the CNS supports the following initiatives:
- Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd.’s “Science for Educators Seminar”: An annual workshop hosted by AECL’s Chalk River Laboratories, where science educators meet face-to-face with scientists and engineers. Activities include information sessions and hands-on participation. Contact Julie Thur, AECL Public Affairs, for more information.
- The Deep River Science Academy: Specializes in web based STEM education programs.
- The CNS has sponsored a booth at the Science Teachers Association of Ontario Annual Conference in mid-November in 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2013. The booth space was shared with the Deep River Science Academy (2006) and Visions of Science Network for Learning Inc (2006 and 2007). The CNS booths have been staffed by volunteers including CNS members, a representative of Women in Nuclear (WiN) Canada, the Power Workers Union, the Nuclear Waste Management Association (NWMO), and volunteer staff of Candesco. At STAO 2015 the CNS shared a corner of the Foundation for Student Science and Technology booth.
- The CNS is partnering with the Foundation for Student Science and Technology. The mission of the foundation is to provide learning and development opportunities by:
- Connecting ideas and people across the spectrum of education, public and private enterprise and science and technology
- Investing in the early career development of gifted students of science and technology
- Building new programs that emulate real world circumstances and help improve students’ chances of success

Rutherford Documentary

The Canadian Nuclear Society is proud to be a Principal Patron of a new documentary project on the life and legacy of Lord Ernest Rutherford.
The documentary was completed in 2011. It was developed to commemorate of the 100th anniversary of Lord Rutherford’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1908), which was awarded for ground-breaking work performed during Rutherford’s tenure at McGill University in Montreal, from 1898 to 1907.
The project leader for thisdocumentary is Professor John Campbell of the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, who is also a biographer of Lord Rutherford, and creator of a Rutherford website.
The CNS distributed copies of the DVD to its members. A number were made available for high school science teachers to evaluate. Unfortunately the version formatted specifically for educators was not available.
A trailer for the Rutherford Documentary is available.
Canadian University Nuclear Programs
- McMaster University – Nuclear Engineering
- Nuclear Technology Diploma
- McMaster Nuclear Reactor
- University of Ontario Institute of Technology
- School of Energy Systems and Nuclear Science
- University of Toronto – Chemical Engineering Department
- Environmental Nuclear Science
- Simon Fraser University – Nuclear Science Minor
- University of New Brunswick – Centre for Nuclear Energy Research
- Industrial Research Chair in Nuclear Engineering
- Royal Military College – Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
- École Polytechnique – Institut de génie nucléaire
- Hydro-Quebec Chair in Nuclear Engineering
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