SMiRT-22 (Structural Materials in Reactor Technology)

Over 30 years have passed since the 1977 SMiRT4 conference was held in San Francisco. During this time, nuclear energy has continued to be an important part of the world’s energy supply despite facing many challenges. With the estimated world population forecasted to reach 9 billion by 2050, the need for energy is expected to […]

12th International Conference on CANDU Fuel

                                CANDU Fuel: Safe, Reliable & Flexible Topics The conference agenda will examine and explore the following topics: A. Fuel Performance: PIE studies/techniques, fuel behaviour (normal operating conditions and extended burnup), and station experience. B. Fuel Safety: Licensing issues, accident studies, […]


“Nuclear Energy at a Crossroads” Global 2013 marks the 20th anniversary of the Global International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference series since its inception in Seattle, Washington in 1993. It is the 11th conference in the series, and the 5th held in the United States. The previous conference, Global 2011, held in Makuhari Messe, Japan, successfully […]

Joint International Meeting on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2013)

The first edition of SNA+MC 2010 was held in Tokyo in 2010. This joint international conference on "Supercomputing in Nuclear Application (SNA)" and "Monte Carlo (MC )” will be renewed;SNA+MC 2013 will be held in Paris from 27 to 31 October 2013. The long-standing solidarity that exists between the growth of computers dedicated to scientific calculations and that of the Monte Carlo methods, from the theoretical […]

CNS CANDU Technology & Safety Course

Course Overview   This CNS course will present an extensive overview of the important disciplines in CANDU reactor technology and safety.  The course provides an introduction to the basic design, technology, and operation of nuclear reactors.  It will also present the major systems in a nuclear plant, as well as the important CANDU reactor safety […]


Everything you wanted to know about nuclear technology and were afraid they’d ask! 2013 December 9 - 10Ottawa, OntarioCourtyard by Marriott Ottawa   Please note that this class is full. Course Program N-101 Program Course Background This fourth offering of the two-day Nuclear-101 course is specifically designed for those working in the nuclear industry who […]

2014 Canada-China Conference on Advanced Reactor Development

Contents Background Papers Registration Important Dates Hotels More Information Sponsors Background Top of Page Canada and China are pursuing advanced nuclear reactor designs with enhanced safety and improved performance.  The majority of design work focuses on the Gen-III (or Gen-III+) type of nuclear reactors, but an increasing effort has been invested in the new Gen-IV […]


Nuclear 101 Everything you wanted to know about nucleartechnology and were afraid they’d ask!2014 May 5 – 6Sheraton Hotel, Hamilton, Ontario The two-day Nuclear-101 course is specifically designed for individuals within the nuclear community (with or without a technical background) who find themselves interacting with the public. The course will provide you with a good […]


The 3rd edition of the conference PHYTRA will be organized by the Moroccan Association for Nuclear Engineering and Reactor Technology (GMTR) with the collaboration of the National Centre for Energy, Sciences and Nuclear Techniques (CNESTEN) after the resounding success which the first and second editions PHYTRA1 and PHYTRA2 had met. As for the previous editions, […]